Rifle scopes with the best field of view

Field of view (FOV) is the angular range of objects visible in a scope. Wider FOV benefits target acquisition, reacquiring the target after recoil, spotting splash, and tracking moving targets. FOV varies by magnification – doubling magnification cuts FOV in half.

We start with a field of 729 rifle scopes, separated into four power categories. At the end, you’ll find four best-of lists by power category. Read on for an explanation.

Table – FOV (ft @ 100 yds) by comparison power

FOV @1.1xFOV @5xFOV @10xFOV @25x

About the optics database

The optics database contains most firearm optics for sale in North America, including complete offerings of 53 major brands. Features: comprehensive brand coverage, all specs in standard units, FOV at comparison powers, reticle diagrams, user manuals, country of assembly, and OEM factory.

Optic TypeOpticsReticles
Micro reflex RDS7593
Reflex red dot and holographic163212
Prism scope62135

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About the author

Rat Patrol Sage Rat Safaris

I am a licensed outfitter/guide in Oregon, where we offer all-inclusive guncation experiences ranging from varmint hunting, to practical rifle courses, to extreme long range marksmanship.

I welcome feedback or questions! Email me at tom@sageratsafaris.com or connect with me on Reddit or Facebook. This page contains affiliate links where I earn on qualifying purchases at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!

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Design trade-offs

Wider FOV is desirable, but there are design trade-offs associated with increasing FOV. Other things equal, the trade-offs of increasing FOV include:

  • Increasing the diameter of the eye piece (example)
  • Reducing eye relief, the distance behind the eye piece for optimal eye placement
  • Shortening the objective focal length, increasing curvatures that need correction
  • Increasing the focal plane diameters, increasing tube diameter or reducing adjustment travel
  • Reducing overall device length

There’s an additional trade-off as you approach 1x power. In a nutshell, true 1x in a variable power optic requires a smaller objective lens diameter (typically 24mm). Conventional advice is to only buy a 1x low power optic (LPVO) if you really need the 1x. Images are brighter in a 2-10×42 than in a 1-10×24.

Be aware that scopes with the “best” field of view may have made compromises in other design aspects.

Five units of FOV

Brands report FOV in three functionally equivalent units of angular measure:

  • Feet at 100 yards (X ft @ 100 yds)
  • Meters at 100 meters (Y m @ 100 m)
  • Angle (A degrees)

Since FOV is an angular subtension, we can also use:

  • Milliradians (MRAD or Mil)
  • Minutes of angle (MOA)

If you have a reticle with MRAD or MOA hash marks, the last two are the easiest for the home users to check themselves: simply read the FOV off the reticle. That FOV already has five different units at the start of this article foretells that FOV is a messy topic.

FOV unit conversions

Note how we never need to know that there are 1.094 yards per meter.

Xft @ 100ydsYm @ 100mYm = Xft/3
Xft @ 100ydsAdegAdeg = DEGREES(2*ATAN(Xft/(300*2)))
Ym @ 100mXft @ 100ydsXft = Ym*3
Ym @ 100mAdegAdeg = DEGREES(2*ATAN(Ym/(100*2)))
AdegXft @ 100ydsXft = 2*(TAN(Adeg/2)*300)
AdegYm @ 100mYm = 2*(TAN(Adeg/2)*100)

Nominal FOV

Let me coin a nominal FOV as an arbitrary “standard” FOV that’s easy to calculate in your head. Nominal FOV provides nice round-number benchmarks when comparing actual FOV between scopes. It’s just a lucky coincidence that the beautifully round angular measure of 100 ft @ 100 yds 1x FOV happens reflect the performance of typical rifle scopes. By defining nominal 1x FOV = 100 ft @ 100 yds, the rest of the table can be calculated using the concepts above.

powerft @ 100ydsm @ 100mdegreesMRADMOA

Examples: nominal FOV for a 2-10x is “50-10 ft @ 100 yds”. And “20-4 ft @ 100 yds” is nominally 5-25x.

Equal ratio rule

The equal ratio rule expects the same max-to-min ratio for power and FOV. That is, a 5-25x has a 5x zoom ratio, so we expect max FOV to be 5 times min FOV, something like “20-4 ft @ 100 yds”. This isn’t always the case.

Some scopes exhibit tunneling, which causes the FOV to stop increasing before reaching the lowest magnification power. Tunneling lowers the maximum FOV (at lowest power).

The equal ratio rule also breaks when what they call a 1-8×24 is more precisely 1.1-8×24.

The most common violation of the equal ratio rule is reporting errors by the brand. It was not uncommon for models from the same brand with different magnification ranges to have the same reported FOV (clearly a typo).

I excluded scopes with reported FOV more than ten percent away from equal ratios.

Calculating FOV at the comparison power (compFOV)

Once we have all the scopes in the same units, I pick some comparison powers: 1.1x LPVOs, 5x, 10x, and 25x. I probably could be more thoughtful about defining this subdivision of scopes – how would you do it?

All scopes able to zoom to a comparison power are included in the population for that comparison power. A scope may appear in more than one population. I use the power ratios to interpolate the reported FOV to a comparison power.

If the equal ratio rule is met, these two calculations of compFOV are equal:

compFOV = maxFOV*minPower/compPower


compFOV = minFOV*maxPower/compPower


  • compPower = comparison power
  • compFOV = FOV at comparison power
  • minPower and maxPower = reported minimum and maximum power
  • minFOV and maxFOV = reported FOV at maxPower and minPower

But I since I allowed some error in the equal ratio rule (+- 10%), I use the average:

compFOV = SQRT((maxFOV*minPower/compPower)*(minFOV*maxPower/compPower))

When equal ratio rule is broken, this method won’t return the reported FOV values when compFOV equals minPower or maxPower. I don’t see a clean way to calculate compFOV in a manner that uses both minFOV and maxFOV that can also return minFOV and maxFOV when compPower lands at minPower or maxPower.

Rifle scopes with best field of view, by comparison power

This section presents the best rifle scopes in terms of field of view for four comparison powers: 1.1x, 5x, 10x, and 25x.

LPVOs with the best field of view at 1.1x

 IOR-Valdada 1-4x32 Pitbull
IOR-Valdada 1-4×32 Pitbull

 IOR Valdada Tactical Mil Circle Dot reticle
IOR Valdada Tactical Mil Circle Dot reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Lowlight-visible, CR2032, Exposed, 0.1 MRAD per click, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 144 – 38, FOV @1.1x: 134, 35mm tube, 7in, 23oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
 Elcan Specter DR 1x or 4x
Elcan Specter DR 1x or 4x

 Elcan Specter DR DFOV14 7.62 NATO CX5396 reticle
Elcan Specter DR DFOV14 7.62 NATO CX5396 reticle

 Elcan Specter DR DFOV14 5.56 NATO CX5395 reticle
Elcan Specter DR DFOV14 5.56 NATO CX5395 reticle
Features: Prism Scope, Illuminated, NV-modes, Daylight-bright, 1/3AA-Lithium, 3000 hours, 0.5 MOA per click, 120 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @20, FOV ft@100yds: 146 – 34, FOV @1.1x: 129, 6in, 23oz, Assembled in Canada by ELCAN, Reflex red dot plus reticle, Integral-QD-mount, Integral-iron-sights, available in black or FDE
 Zeiss Victory V8 1-8x30
Zeiss Victory V8 1-8×30

 Zeiss Victory V8 1-8x30 SFP Plex-Style with Dot Num60
Zeiss Victory V8 1-8×30 SFP Plex-Style with Dot Num60
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, CR2032, Capped-windage or Capped, Zero-stop, 0.33 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 172 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @109, FOV ft@100yds: 119 – 16, FOV @1.1x: 118, FOV @5x: 26, 36mm tube, 12in, 21oz, Assembled in Germany by Zeiss
NEW 2020Kahles K18i 1-8×24<$2500
 Kahles K18i 1-8x24
Kahles K18i 1-8×24

 Kahles K18i 1-8x24 SFP 3GR reticle
Kahles K18i 1-8×24 SFP 3GR reticle

 Kahles K18i 1-8x24 SFP IPSC reticle
Kahles K18i 1-8×24 SFP IPSC reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 86 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 128 – 16, FOV @1.1x: 116, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 12in, 20oz, Assembled in Austria by Kahles, New 2020
 Swarovski Z8i 1-8x24
Swarovski Z8i 1-8×24

 Swarovski Z8i 1-8x24 SFP BRT-I
Swarovski Z8i 1-8×24 SFP BRT-I

 Swarovski Z8i 1-8x24 SFP 4A-IF
Swarovski Z8i 1-8×24 SFP 4A-IF
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Dual-reticle, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 72 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 128 – 16, FOV @1.1x: 116, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 12in, 18oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret
 Leica Magnus 1-6.3x24
Leica Magnus 1-6.3×24

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Motion-on, Auto-off, Low-batttery-indicator, Daylight-bright, Always-on-capable, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 132 – 20, FOV @1.1x: 116, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 11in, 19oz, Assembled in Germany by Leica
 Hawke Vantage 30 WA 1-4x24
Hawke Vantage 30 WA 1-4×24

 Hawke L4A Dot
Hawke L4A Dot
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Red/Green, Lowlight-visible, CR2032, Capped, 0.5 MOA per click, 100 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 126 – 32, FOV @1.1x: 115, 30mm tube, 11in, 15oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 IOR-Valdada Tactical LTS2 FFP 1-10x26
IOR-Valdada Tactical LTS2 FFP 1-10×26

 IOR Valdada Tactical Mil Circle Dot reticle
IOR Valdada Tactical Mil Circle Dot reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 100 clicks per turn, 120 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 131 – 12, FOV @1.1x: 114, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 35mm tube, 11in, 25oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR, 223 62gr and 308 168gr BDC turret rings available
 Swarovski Z6i 1-6x24
Swarovski Z6i 1-6×24

 Swarovski Z6i 1-6x24 SFP illuminated 4-I
Swarovski Z6i 1-6×24 SFP illuminated 4-I
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3 or 5-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped or Capped-windage, 0.5 MOA per click, 72 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 128 – 20, FOV @1.1x: 114, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 12in, 16oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski
 Swamp Fox Tomahawk 1-8x24
Swamp Fox Tomahawk 1-8×24

 Swamp Fox Guerrilla Dot BDC reticle
Swamp Fox Guerrilla Dot BDC reticle

 Swamp Fox Guerrilla Cross MOA reticle
Swamp Fox Guerrilla Cross MOA reticle

 SwampFox Spear Duplex reticle
SwampFox Spear Duplex reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, 0.5 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 100 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @50, FOV ft@100yds: 124 – 16, FOV @1.1x: 113, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 11in, 19oz, Assembled in China by Changhong, New 2019
 Hawke Endurance 30 WA 1-4x24
Hawke Endurance 30 WA 1-4×24

 Hawke L4A Dot
Hawke L4A Dot

 Hawke Tactical Dot
Hawke Tactical Dot
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Lowlight-visible, CR2032, Capped or Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 140 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 125 – 31, FOV @1.1x: 113, 30mm tube, 11in, 18oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Kahles K16i 1-6x24
Kahles K16i 1-6×24

 Kahles K16i 1-6x24 SM1 reticle
Kahles K16i 1-6×24 SM1 reticle

 Kahles K16i 1-6x24 SI1
Kahles K16i 1-6×24 SI1

 Kahles K16i 1-6x24 G4B
Kahles K16i 1-6×24 G4B

 Kahles K16i 1-6x24 3GR
Kahles K16i 1-6×24 3GR
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 77 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 127 – 20, FOV @1.1x: 112, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 11in, 17oz, Assembled in Austria by Kahles
 Zeiss Conquest V6 1-6x24
Zeiss Conquest V6 1-6×24

 Zeiss Conquest V6 1-6x24 SFP ZMOA-4 Num95
Zeiss Conquest V6 1-6×24 SFP ZMOA-4 Num95

 Zeiss Conquest V6 1-6x24 SFP Plex-Style with Dot Num60
Zeiss Conquest V6 1-6×24 SFP Plex-Style with Dot Num60
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 700 hours (low setting), Capped-windage or Capped, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.5 MOA per click, 103 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 114 – 20, FOV @1.1x: 112, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 11in, 18oz, Assembled in Germany by Zeiss
 Leupold VX-6HD 1-6x24 SFP
Leupold VX-6HD 1-6×24 SFP

 Leupold VX-6HD 1-6x24 FireDot Duplex – 171552
Leupold VX-6HD 1-6×24 FireDot Duplex – 171552

 Leupold VX-6HD 1-6x24 FireDot Circle – 171554 (discontinued 2020)
Leupold VX-6HD 1-6×24 FireDot Circle – 171554 (discontinued 2020)

 Leupold VX-6HD 1-6x24 MultiGun FireDot BDC – 171556 (discontinued 2019)
Leupold VX-6HD 1-6×24 MultiGun FireDot BDC – 171556 (discontinued 2019)

 Leupold VX-6HD 1-6x24 MultiGun CM-R2 – 171555 (discontinued 2019)
Leupold VX-6HD 1-6×24 MultiGun CM-R2 – 171555 (discontinued 2019)
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Motion-on, Auto-off, Electronic-level, Low-battery-indicator, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Always-on-capable, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.25 MOA per click, 80 clicks per turn, Double-turn, 170 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @150, FOV ft@100yds: 123 – 20, FOV @1.1x: 111, FOV @5x: 24, 30mm tube, 11in, 13oz, Assembled in USA by Leupold, Free custom BDC dial, CDS-ZL2 dials
 Leupold VX-4.5HD Service Rifle 1-4.5x24 CDS-ZL2
Leupold VX-4.5HD Service Rifle 1-4.5×24 CDS-ZL2

 Leupold VX-4.5HD Service Rifle 1-4.5x24 CDS HPR-1 - 177351
Leupold VX-4.5HD Service Rifle 1-4.5×24 CDS HPR-1 – 177351

 Leupold VX-4.5HD Service Rifle 1-4.5x24 CDS-ZL2 Bull-Ring Post - 176283
Leupold VX-4.5HD Service Rifle 1-4.5×24 CDS-ZL2 Bull-Ring Post – 176283

 Leupold VX-4.5HD Service Rifle 1-4.5x24 CDS-ZL2 illuminated FireDot Bull-Ring - 176281
Leupold VX-4.5HD Service Rifle 1-4.5×24 CDS-ZL2 illuminated FireDot Bull-Ring – 176281
Features: SFP, Optional-illumination, Motion-on, Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Always-on-capable, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.25 MOA per click, 80 clicks per turn, 170 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @150, FOV ft@100yds: 123 – 26, FOV @1.1x: 110, 30mm tube, 11in, 13oz, Assembled in USA by Leupold, Optional custom BDC dial, CDS-ZL2 or CDS dials
Nikon M-TACTICAL 1-4×24<$250
 Nikon M-TACTICAL 1-4x24
Nikon M-TACTICAL 1-4×24

 Nikon M-TACTICAL 1-4x24 MK1-MOA
Nikon M-TACTICAL 1-4×24 MK1-MOA
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, Exposed, 0.5 MOA per click, 80 clicks per turn, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 119 – 30, FOV @1.1x: 108, 30mm tube, 10in, 16oz, Assembled in Philippines by Scopro, Nikon exiting riflescope business 2020
 Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6x24
Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6×24

 Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6x24 JM-1 BDC reticle diagram
Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6×24 JM-1 BDC reticle diagram

 Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6x24 JM-1 BDC reticle
Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6×24 JM-1 BDC reticle

 Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6x24 VMR-2 MOA reticle diagram
Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6×24 VMR-2 MOA reticle diagram

 Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6x24 VMR-2 MOA reticle
Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6×24 VMR-2 MOA reticle

 Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6x24 VMR-2 MRAD reticle diagram
Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6×24 VMR-2 MRAD reticle diagram

 Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6x24 VMR-2 MRAD reticle
Vortex Razor HD Gen II-E 1-6×24 VMR-2 MRAD reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Capped, 0.2 MRAD/0.5 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 150 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 115 – 21, FOV @1.1x: 108, FOV @5x: 24, 30mm tube, 10in, 22oz, Assembled in Japan by LOW Japan
 Schmidt Bender 1.1-5x24 Stratos
Schmidt Bender 1.1-5×24 Stratos


 FD9 (discontinued 2020)
FD9 (discontinued 2020)

 FD0 (discontinued 2020)
FD0 (discontinued 2020)

 FD4 (discontinued 2020)
FD4 (discontinued 2020)
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Auto-off, NV-modes, Daylight-bright Flashdot, CR2032, Capped, 0.15 MRAD per click, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 113 – 23, FOV @1.1x: 108, FOV @5x: 24, 30mm tube, 11in, 17oz, Assembled in Germany by Schmidt Bender, Posicon turrets
 Swampfox Arrowhead 1-8x24
Swampfox Arrowhead 1-8×24

 SwampFox Arrowhead BDC green
SwampFox Arrowhead BDC green

 SwampFox Arrowhead BDC red
SwampFox Arrowhead BDC red

 SwampFox Arrowhead MIL green
SwampFox Arrowhead MIL green

 SwampFox Arrowhead MIL red
SwampFox Arrowhead MIL red

 SwampFox Arrowhead MOA green
SwampFox Arrowhead MOA green

 SwampFox Arrowhead MOA red
SwampFox Arrowhead MOA red
Features: SFP, Illuminated, NV-modes, Daylight bright, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.5 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 100 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 122 – 14, FOV @1.1x: 108, FOV @5x: 24, 30mm tube, 11in, 20oz, Assembled in China by Changhong, New 2020
 Swampfox Arrowhead 1-6x24
Swampfox Arrowhead 1-6×24

 SwampFox Arrowhead BDC green
SwampFox Arrowhead BDC green

 SwampFox Arrowhead BDC red
SwampFox Arrowhead BDC red

 SwampFox Arrowhead MIL green
SwampFox Arrowhead MIL green

 SwampFox Arrowhead MIL red
SwampFox Arrowhead MIL red

 SwampFox Arrowhead MOA green
SwampFox Arrowhead MOA green

 SwampFox Arrowhead MOA red
SwampFox Arrowhead MOA red
Features: SFP, Illuminated, NV-modes, Daylight bright, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.5 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 100 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 120 – 19, FOV @1.1x: 107, FOV @5x: 24, 30mm tube, 11in, 20oz, Assembled in China by Changhong, New 2020
Leupold VX-5HD 1-5×24DISCONTINUED<$1000
 Leupold VX-5HD 1-5x24
Leupold VX-5HD 1-5×24

 Leupold VX-5HD 1-5x24 Duplex – 171384
Leupold VX-5HD 1-5×24 Duplex – 171384

 Leupold VX-5HD 1-5x24 illuminated FireDot 4 Fine – 171385
Leupold VX-5HD 1-5×24 illuminated FireDot 4 Fine – 171385
Features: SFP, Optional-illumination, Motion-on, Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Always-on-capable, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 170 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @150, FOV ft@100yds: 123 – 23, FOV @1.1x: 107, FOV @5x: 24, 30mm tube, 11in, 13oz, Assembled in USA by Leupold, Discontinued 2020
 Athlon Ares ETR 1-10x24 FFP
Athlon Ares ETR 1-10×24 FFP

 Athlon ATMR2 MOA reticle - 212103
Athlon ATMR2 MOA reticle – 212103

 Athlon ATMR3 MIL reticle - 212104
Athlon ATMR3 MIL reticle – 212104
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Lowlight-visible, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking-wind, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 100 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 117 – 12, FOV @1.1x: 106, FOV @5x: 23, FOV @10x: 12, 34mm tube, 10in, 19oz, Assembled in China by Sam Electrical, New 2021
 Minox 1-5x24
Minox 1-5×24

 Minox 1-5x24 SFP illuminated reticle #4 (80107662)
Minox 1-5×24 SFP illuminated reticle #4 (80107662)
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, Auto-off, Daylight-bright, CR2032 (X2), Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 70 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 111 – 25, FOV @1.1x: 106, FOV @5x: 23, 30mm tube, 11in, 17oz, Assembled in Germany by Minox, New 2020
All Minox
Minox ZE5.2 1-5×24DISCONTINUED<$2000
 Minox ZE5.2 1-5x24
Minox ZE5.2 1-5×24

 Minox ZE5.2 German #4 illuminated reticle
Minox ZE5.2 German #4 illuminated reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 2-hour Auto-off, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 70 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 111 – 25, FOV @1.1x: 106, FOV @5x: 23, 30mm tube, 11in, 17oz, Assembled in Germany by Minox, Discontinued 2020
Minox ZX5 1-5×24DISCONTINUED<$1000
 Minox ZX5 1-5x24
Minox ZX5 1-5×24

 Minox ZX5 Plex reticle
Minox ZX5 Plex reticle

 Minox ZX5 Plex illuminated reticle
Minox ZX5 Plex illuminated reticle

 Minox ZX5 German #4 reticle
Minox ZX5 German #4 reticle

 Minox ZX5 German #4 illuminated reticle
Minox ZX5 German #4 illuminated reticle
Features: SFP, Optional-illumination, Tilt-off, 2-hour Auto-off, CR2032, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 76 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 111 – 25, FOV @1.1x: 106, FOV @5x: 23, 30mm tube, 11in, 17oz, Assembled in Germany by Minox, Discontinued 2019
 Vortex Razor HD Gen III 1-10x24
Vortex Razor HD Gen III 1-10×24

 Vortex Razor HD Gen III 1-10x24 FFP EBR-9 MOA reticle, SKU RZR-11001
Vortex Razor HD Gen III 1-10×24 FFP EBR-9 MOA reticle, SKU RZR-11001

 Vortex Razor HD Gen III 1-10x24 FFP EBR-9 MRAD reticle, SKU RZR-11002
Vortex Razor HD Gen III 1-10×24 FFP EBR-9 MRAD reticle, SKU RZR-11002
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Capped, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 120 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 116 – 12, FOV @1.1x: 106, FOV @5x: 23, FOV @10x: 12, 34mm tube, 10in, 22oz, Assembled in Japan by LOW Japan, New 2020
 Noblex-Docter inception 1-6x24
Noblex-Docter inception 1-6×24

 Noblex-Docter inception 1-6x24 BDC reticle
Noblex-Docter inception 1-6×24 BDC reticle

 Noblex-Docter inception 1-6x24 0 reticle
Noblex-Docter inception 1-6×24 0 reticle

 Noblex-Docter inception 1-6x24 4i reticle
Noblex-Docter inception 1-6×24 4i reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Center dot, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 119 – 19, FOV @1.1x: 106, FOV @5x: 23, 30mm tube, 15oz, Assembled in Germany by Noblex-Docter
 Atibal XP6 MIRAGE 1-6x24 FFP
Atibal XP6 MIRAGE 1-6×24 FFP

 Atibal XP6 MIRAGE 1-6x24 FFP subtensions
Atibal XP6 MIRAGE 1-6×24 FFP subtensions

 Atibal XP6 MIRAGE 1-6x24 FFP reticle 6X
Atibal XP6 MIRAGE 1-6×24 FFP reticle 6X

 Atibal XP6 MIRAGE 1-6x24 FFP reticle 1X
Atibal XP6 MIRAGE 1-6×24 FFP reticle 1X
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Daylight-bright, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 117 – 19, FOV @1.1x: 106, FOV @5x: 23, 30mm tube, 11in, 18oz, Assembled in China
 Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6x24
Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6×24

 Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6x24 AR-BDC2 reticle (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6×24 AR-BDC2 reticle (discontinued 2020)

 Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6x24 AR-BDC2 reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6×24 AR-BDC2 reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)

 Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6x24 AR-BDC3 MOA reticle diagram (new 2020)
Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6×24 AR-BDC3 MOA reticle diagram (new 2020)

 Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6x24 AR-BDC3 MOA reticle (new 2020)
Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6×24 AR-BDC3 MOA reticle (new 2020)
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Lowlight-visible, CR2032, Capped, 0.5 MOA per click, 88 clicks per turn, 140 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 117 – 19, FOV @1.1x: 105, FOV @5x: 23, 30mm tube, 11in, 18oz, Assembled in China by Aimbond, New 2020

Rifle scopes with the best field of view at 5x

NEW 2020IOR-Valdada 2-16×42<$3000
 IOR-Valdada Tactical 2-16x42
IOR-Valdada Tactical 2-16×42

 IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 137 MOA elev, FOV ft@100yds: 76 – 11, FOV @5x: 32, FOV @10x: 16, 35mm tube, 13in, 30oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR, New 2020
 SIG Bravo5 5x30
SIG Bravo5 5×30

 SIG Bravo5 5x30 reticles
SIG Bravo5 5×30 reticles
Features: Prism Scope, Iluminated, Motion-on, Auto-off, NV-modes, CR2032, Always-on-capable, FOV ft@100yds: 31, FOV @5x: 31, 7in, 23oz, Assembled in China by Galaxier
SIG -10-A050-0296-060500-A050-0296-06-SIGA050-0296-06-SIG -05001081-A0500-06-SIG -050006-A050-0296-SIG -05002300
 Hawke Frontier SF 4-20x44
Hawke Frontier SF 4-20×44

 Hawke Mil Pro 20x
Hawke Mil Pro 20x
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 65 MOA elev, Side-focus from 14, FOV ft@100yds: 38 – 8, FOV @5x: 30, FOV @10x: 15, 1in tube, 13in, 21oz, Assembled in China by Miao, New 2019
 IOR-Valdada 4-14x56
IOR-Valdada 4-14×56

 IOR-Valdada 4-14x56 4A Dot
IOR-Valdada 4-14×56 4A Dot

 IOR-Valdada 4-14x56 HR-5 reticle
IOR-Valdada 4-14×56 HR-5 reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Green/Red, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 39 – 10, FOV @5x: 30, FOV @10x: 15, 30mm tube, 15in, 26oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
 IOR-Valdada Tactical 1.5-8x30 FFP
IOR-Valdada Tactical 1.5-8×30 FFP

 IOR Valdada Tactical Mil Circle Dot reticle
IOR Valdada Tactical Mil Circle Dot reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Exposed, 0.1 MRAD per click, 75 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 89 – 18, FOV @5x: 28, 35mm tube, 9in, 21oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
 IOR 4-28X50 RECON

 IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD per click, 124 MOA elev, AO from 7, FOV ft@100yds: 34 – 5, FOV @5x: 27, FOV @10x: 14, FOV @25x: 5, 40mm tube, 14in, 39oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
NEW 2020March FX 5-42×56>$3000
 March 5-42x56
March 5-42×56

 March 5-42x56 FFP FML MT reticle diagram
March 5-42×56 FFP FML MT reticle diagram

 March 5-42x56 FFP FML TR1 reticle diagram
March 5-42×56 FFP FML TR1 reticle diagram

 March 5-42x56 FFP FML-3 reticle diagram
March 5-42×56 FFP FML-3 reticle diagram

 March 5-42x56 turrets
March 5-42×56 turrets
Features: FFP, Illuminated, 1-hr Auto-off, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 100 clicks per turn, 137 MOA elev, Side-focus from 10, FOV ft@100yds: 26 – 3, FOV @5x: 27, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 14in, 34oz, Assembled in Japan by DEON, Wide angle, New 2020
 Vortex Diamondback 3-9x40
Vortex Diamondback 3-9×40

 Vortex Diamondback 3-9x40 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle
Vortex Diamondback 3-9×40 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle

 Vortex Diamondback 3-9x40 V-Plex MOA reticle
Vortex Diamondback 3-9×40 V-Plex MOA reticle
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 70 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 45 – 15, FOV @5x: 27, 1in tube, 12in, 14oz, Assembled in Philippines by Scopro
 Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40
Vortex Diamondback 4-12×40

 Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle
Vortex Diamondback 4-12×40 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle

 Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40 V-Plex MOA reticle
Vortex Diamondback 4-12×40 V-Plex MOA reticle
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 60 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 32 – 11, FOV @5x: 27, FOV @10x: 13, 1in tube, 12in, 15oz, Assembled in Philippines by Scopro
 Vortex Diamondback 2-7x35 Rimfire
Vortex Diamondback 2-7×35 Rimfire

 Vortex Diamondback 2-7x35 Rimfire V-Plex MOA reticle
Vortex Diamondback 2-7×35 Rimfire V-Plex MOA reticle
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 100 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @50, FOV ft@100yds: 64 – 19, FOV @5x: 26, 1in tube, 12in, 14oz, Assembled in Philippines by Scopro
 Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10x50
Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10×50

 Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10x50 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle
Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10×50 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 65 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 36 – 14, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 1in tube, 13in, 16oz, Assembled in Philippines by Scopro
 Hawke 30 WA FFP 4-16x50
Hawke 30 WA FFP 4-16×50

 Hawke FFP Half Mil
Hawke FFP Half Mil
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Red/Green, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 89 MOA elev, Side-focus from 10, FOV ft@100yds: 33 – 8, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 26oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics, New 2020
 Zeiss Victory V8 1-8x30
Zeiss Victory V8 1-8×30

 Zeiss Victory V8 1-8x30 SFP Plex-Style with Dot Num60
Zeiss Victory V8 1-8×30 SFP Plex-Style with Dot Num60
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, CR2032, Capped-windage or Capped, Zero-stop, 0.33 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 172 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @109, FOV ft@100yds: 119 – 16, FOV @1.1x: 118, FOV @5x: 26, 36mm tube, 12in, 21oz, Assembled in Germany by Zeiss
 Hawke Vantage 30 WA 3-12x56
Hawke Vantage 30 WA 3-12×56

 Hawke L4A Dot
Hawke L4A Dot
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Red/Green, CR2032, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 43 – 11, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 12in, 24oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 4-16x50
Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 4-16×50

 Hawke FFP Half Mil
Hawke FFP Half Mil
Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 85 MOA elev, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 32 – 8, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 29oz, Assembled in China by Miao, New 2020
 Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 4-16x50
Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 4-16×50

 Hawke FFP Half Mil
Hawke FFP Half Mil
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 90 MOA elev, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 32 – 8, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 28oz, Assembled in China by Miao
 Hawke Endurance 30 WA SF 4-16x50
Hawke Endurance 30 WA SF 4-16×50

 Hawke 223 308 Marksman 16x
Hawke 223 308 Marksman 16x

 Hawke LR Dot 8x
Hawke LR Dot 8x

 Hawke LRC 16x
Hawke LRC 16x
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.25 MOA per click, 75 MOA elev, Side-focus from 15, FOV ft@100yds: 32 – 8, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 15in, 20oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Elcan Specter DR 1.5x or 6x
Elcan Specter DR 1.5x or 6x

 Elcan Specter DR 156DFOV 7.62 NATO CX5456 reticle
Elcan Specter DR 156DFOV 7.62 NATO CX5456 reticle

 Elcan Specter DR 156DFOV 5.56 NATO CX5455 reticle
Elcan Specter DR 156DFOV 5.56 NATO CX5455 reticle
Features: Prism Scope, Illuminated, NV-modes, Daylight-bright, DL 1/3N-Lithium, 3000 hours (medium), 0.5 MOA per click, 120 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @20, FOV ft@100yds: 86 – 21, FOV @5x: 25, 7in, 25oz, Assembled in Canada by ELCAN, Reflex red dot plus reticle, Integral-QD-mount, Integral-iron-sights, available in black or FDE
 Noblex-Docter N5 1.2-6x24
Noblex-Docter N5 1.2-6×24

 Noblex-Docter N5 1.2-6x24 4i reticle
Noblex-Docter N5 1.2-6×24 4i reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Center dot, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 165 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 109 – 21, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, Assembled in Germany by Noblex-Docter
NEW 2020Kahles K18i 1-8×24<$2500
 Kahles K18i 1-8x24
Kahles K18i 1-8×24

 Kahles K18i 1-8x24 SFP 3GR reticle
Kahles K18i 1-8×24 SFP 3GR reticle

 Kahles K18i 1-8x24 SFP IPSC reticle
Kahles K18i 1-8×24 SFP IPSC reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 86 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 128 – 16, FOV @1.1x: 116, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 12in, 20oz, Assembled in Austria by Kahles, New 2020
 Swarovski Z8i 1-8x24
Swarovski Z8i 1-8×24

 Swarovski Z8i 1-8x24 SFP BRT-I
Swarovski Z8i 1-8×24 SFP BRT-I

 Swarovski Z8i 1-8x24 SFP 4A-IF
Swarovski Z8i 1-8×24 SFP 4A-IF
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Dual-reticle, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 72 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 128 – 16, FOV @1.1x: 116, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 12in, 18oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret
 Leica Magnus 1-6.3x24
Leica Magnus 1-6.3×24

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Motion-on, Auto-off, Low-batttery-indicator, Daylight-bright, Always-on-capable, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 132 – 20, FOV @1.1x: 116, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 11in, 19oz, Assembled in Germany by Leica
 Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10x42
Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10×42

 Swarovski Z6i BT close-up
Swarovski Z6i BT close-up

 Swarovski Z6i capped close-up
Swarovski Z6i capped close-up

 Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10x42 SFP non-illuminated BRH
Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10×42 SFP non-illuminated BRH

 Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10x42 SFP non-illuminated Plex
Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10×42 SFP non-illuminated Plex

 Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10x42 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10×42 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Features: SFP, Optional-illumination, Tilt-off, 3 or 5-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped or Capped-windage, 0.1 MRAD per click, 54 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 76 – 13, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 13in, 17oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret
 Leica Magnus 1.8-12x50
Leica Magnus 1.8-12×50

 Leica Magnus BDC elevation
Leica Magnus BDC elevation

 Leica Magnus BDC elevation rings
Leica Magnus BDC elevation rings

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle

 Leica Magnus L-4A reticle
Leica Magnus L-4A reticle

 Leica Magnus L-Ballistic reticle
Leica Magnus L-Ballistic reticle

 Leica Magnus L-Plex reticle
Leica Magnus L-Plex reticle
Features: SFP, Optional-illumination, Motion-on, Auto-off, Low-batttery-indicator, Daylight-bright, Always-on-capable, Capped-windage or capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 68 – 11, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 13in, 25oz, Assembled in Germany by Leica, Optional BDC turret with zero stop, locking, 95 clicks, and rings fo 12 ballistic profiles
 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50

 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50 SFP illuminated 4A-I

 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 SFP illuminated 4W-I
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50 SFP illuminated 4W-I

 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Dual-reticle, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 50 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 36 – 5, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 15in, 24oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret, New 2020
 Hawke Sidewinder 30 SF 4.5-14x44
Hawke Sidewinder 30 SF 4.5-14×44

 Hawke Half Mil 10x reticle
Hawke Half Mil 10x reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 96 MOA elev, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 28 – 9, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 13in, 24oz, Assembled in China by Miao, New 2020
 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 FFP
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 FFP

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-3159
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-3159

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle diagram (new 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle diagram (new 2020)

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-3156
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-3156

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle diagram (new 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle diagram (new 2020)

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 FFP EBR-2C MOA reticle (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 FFP EBR-2C MOA reticle (discontinued 2020)

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 FFP EBR-2C MOA reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 FFP EBR-2C MOA reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 FFP EBR-2C MRAD reticle (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 FFP EBR-2C MRAD reticle (discontinued 2020)

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 FFP EBR-2C MRAD reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 FFP EBR-2C MRAD reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)
Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 75 MOA elev, Side-focus from 20, FOV ft@100yds: 41 – 9, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 28oz, Assembled in Philippines by Kenko
 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 SFP
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 SFP

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 SFP EBR-4 MOA reticle
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 SFP EBR-4 MOA reticle

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 SFP EBR-4 MOA reticle diagram
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15×44 SFP EBR-4 MOA reticle diagram
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 75 MOA elev, Side-focus from 20, FOV ft@100yds: 41 – 9, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 28oz, Assembled in Philippines by Kenko
 Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18x56
Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18×56

 Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18x56 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18×56 SFP illuminated 4A-I

 Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18x56 SFP illuminated 4W-I
Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18×56 SFP illuminated 4W-I

 Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18x56 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Swarovski Z8i 2.3-18×56 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Dual-reticle, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 65 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 56 – 7, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 26oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret
 Hawke Endurance 30 WA 2.5-10x50
Hawke Endurance 30 WA 2.5-10×50

 Hawke LR Dot 8x
Hawke LR Dot 8x

 Hawke LRC 10x
Hawke LRC 10x

 Hawke 350 Legend
Hawke 350 Legend
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Capped or Exposed, Locking, 0.25 MOA per click, 110 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 50 – 13, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 13in, 23oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Swarovski Z8i 1.7-13.3x42
Swarovski Z8i 1.7-13.3×42

 Swarovski Z8i 1.7-13.3x42 SFP 4A-IF
Swarovski Z8i 1.7-13.3×42 SFP 4A-IF
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Dual-reticle, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped, 0.5 MOA per click, 54 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 76 – 9, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 13in, 22oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret
 Hawke Vantage 30 WA 2.5-10x50
Hawke Vantage 30 WA 2.5-10×50

 Hawke L4A Dot
Hawke L4A Dot
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Red/Green, CR2032, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 50 – 13, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 13in, 21oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Swarovski Z6i 2-12x50
Swarovski Z6i 2-12×50

 Swarovski Z6i BT close-up
Swarovski Z6i BT close-up

 Swarovski Z6i capped close-up
Swarovski Z6i capped close-up

 Swarovski Z6i 2-12x50 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Swarovski Z6i 2-12×50 SFP illuminated 4A-I

 Swarovski Z6i 2-12x50 SFP non-illuminated BRH
Swarovski Z6i 2-12×50 SFP non-illuminated BRH

 Swarovski Z6i 2-12x50 SFP non-illuminated Plex
Swarovski Z6i 2-12×50 SFP non-illuminated Plex
Features: SFP, Optional-illumination, Tilt-off, 3 or 5-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped or Capped-windage, 0.1 MRAD per click, 54 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 63 – 11, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 19oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret
 Arken 4-16x50
Arken 4-16×50

 Arken FFP EPR MIL reticle
Arken FFP EPR MIL reticle
Features: FFP, Non-illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD per click, 100 clicks per turn, Double-turn, 110 MOA elev, Side-focus from 25, FOV ft@100yds: 31 – 8, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 34mm tube, 12in, 32oz, Assembled in China, New 2019
 Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16x44
Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16×44

 Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16x44 SFP non-illuminated ZBR-2 #92
Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16×44 SFP non-illuminated ZBR-2 #92

 Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16x44 SFP non-illuminated ZMOA-2 #94
Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16×44 SFP non-illuminated ZMOA-2 #94

 Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16x44 SFP non-illuminated Z-Plex #20
Zeiss Conquest V4 4-16×44 SFP non-illuminated Z-Plex #20
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, Capped-windage, Zero-stop, 0.25 MOA per click, 80 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 31 – 8, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 23oz, Assembled in Japan by LOW Japan
 March Genesis 4-40x52
March Genesis 4-40×52

 March Genesis 4-40x52 FFP FML-3 reticle
March Genesis 4-40×52 FFP FML-3 reticle

 March Genesis 4-40x52 FFP FML-TR1 reticle
March Genesis 4-40×52 FFP FML-TR1 reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, 1-hr Auto-off, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.05 MRAD per click, 200 clicks per turn, 295 MOA elev, Side-focus from 20, FOV ft@100yds: 31 – 3, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 52oz, Assembled in Japan by DEON, Integral mount New 2020
 Noblex-Docter N5 2.4-12x50
Noblex-Docter N5 2.4-12×50

 Noblex-Docter N5 2.4-12x50 4i reticle
Noblex-Docter N5 2.4-12×50 4i reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Center dot, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 83 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 52 – 11, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, Assembled in Germany by Noblex-Docter
 Swarovski Z8i 2-16x50
Swarovski Z8i 2-16×50

 Swarovski Z8i 2-16x50 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Swarovski Z8i 2-16×50 SFP illuminated 4A-I

 Swarovski Z8i 2-16x50 SFP illuminated 4W-I
Swarovski Z8i 2-16×50 SFP illuminated 4W-I

 Swarovski Z8i 2-16x50 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Swarovski Z8i 2-16×50 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Dual-reticle, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 54 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 63 – 8, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 24oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret
 IOR-Valdada Tactical LTS2 FFP 1-10x26
IOR-Valdada Tactical LTS2 FFP 1-10×26

 IOR Valdada Tactical Mil Circle Dot reticle
IOR Valdada Tactical Mil Circle Dot reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 100 clicks per turn, 120 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 131 – 12, FOV @1.1x: 114, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 35mm tube, 11in, 25oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR, 223 62gr and 308 168gr BDC turret rings available
 Noblex-Docter N5 3-15x56
Noblex-Docter N5 3-15×56

 Noblex-Docter N5 3-15x56 4i reticle
Noblex-Docter N5 3-15×56 4i reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Center dot, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 69 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 41 – 8, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, Assembled in Germany by Noblex-Docter
 Zeiss Victory V8 1.8-14x50
Zeiss Victory V8 1.8-14×50

 Zeiss Victory V8 1.8-14x50 SFP Plex-Style with Dot Num60
Zeiss Victory V8 1.8-14×50 SFP Plex-Style with Dot Num60
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, CR2032, Capped-windage or Capped, Zero-stop, 0.33 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 106 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 69 – 9, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 36mm tube, 14in, 25oz, Assembled in Germany by Zeiss
 Swarovski Z6i 1-6x24
Swarovski Z6i 1-6×24

 Swarovski Z6i 1-6x24 SFP illuminated 4-I
Swarovski Z6i 1-6×24 SFP illuminated 4-I
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3 or 5-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped or Capped-windage, 0.5 MOA per click, 72 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 128 – 20, FOV @1.1x: 114, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 12in, 16oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski
 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP

 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MOA - SKU SE-52503
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP EBR-7C MOA – SKU SE-52503

 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MRAD - SKU SE-52504
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP EBR-7C MRAD – SKU SE-52504

 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle diagram
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle diagram

 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle diagram
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle diagram
Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 110 MOA elev, Side-focus from 15, FOV ft@100yds: 24 – 5, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 15in, 30oz, Assembled in China by Miao, 47 MOA total elevation with zero stop enabled, New 2020
 Hawke Endurance 30 WA 3-12x56
Hawke Endurance 30 WA 3-12×56

 Hawke LR Dot 8x
Hawke LR Dot 8x

 Hawke LRC 12x
Hawke LRC 12x

 Hawke 350 Legend
Hawke 350 Legend
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Capped or Exposed, 0.25 MOA per click, 110 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 42 – 10, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 12, 30mm tube, 14in, 22oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Swamp Fox Tomahawk 1-8x24
Swamp Fox Tomahawk 1-8×24

 Swamp Fox Guerrilla Dot BDC reticle
Swamp Fox Guerrilla Dot BDC reticle

 Swamp Fox Guerrilla Cross MOA reticle
Swamp Fox Guerrilla Cross MOA reticle

 SwampFox Spear Duplex reticle
SwampFox Spear Duplex reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, 0.5 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 100 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @50, FOV ft@100yds: 124 – 16, FOV @1.1x: 113, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 11in, 19oz, Assembled in China by Changhong, New 2019
 Hawke Endurance 30 WA 1.5-6x44
Hawke Endurance 30 WA 1.5-6×44

 Hawke L4A Dot
Hawke L4A Dot
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 120 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 83 – 21, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 13in, 20oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Kahles K16i 1-6x24
Kahles K16i 1-6×24

 Kahles K16i 1-6x24 SM1 reticle
Kahles K16i 1-6×24 SM1 reticle

 Kahles K16i 1-6x24 SI1
Kahles K16i 1-6×24 SI1

 Kahles K16i 1-6x24 G4B
Kahles K16i 1-6×24 G4B

 Kahles K16i 1-6x24 3GR
Kahles K16i 1-6×24 3GR
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 77 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 127 – 20, FOV @1.1x: 112, FOV @5x: 25, 30mm tube, 11in, 17oz, Assembled in Austria by Kahles
 Leica Magnus 2.4-16x56
Leica Magnus 2.4-16×56

 Leica Magnus BDC elevation
Leica Magnus BDC elevation

 Leica Magnus BDC elevation rings
Leica Magnus BDC elevation rings

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle

 Leica Magnus L-4A reticle
Leica Magnus L-4A reticle

 Leica Magnus L-Ballistic reticle
Leica Magnus L-Ballistic reticle

 Leica Magnus L-Plex reticle
Leica Magnus L-Plex reticle
Features: SFP, Optional-illumination, Motion-on, Auto-off, Low-batttery-indicator, Daylight-bright, Always-on-capable, Capped-windage or capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 51 – 8, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 12, 30mm tube, 14in, 28oz, Assembled in Germany by Leica, Optional BDC turret with zero stop, locking, 95 clicks, and rings fo 12 ballistic profiles
 Burris XTR3 3.3-18x50
Burris XTR3 3.3-18×50

 Burris SCR2 Mil reticle
Burris SCR2 Mil reticle

 Burris SCR Mil non-illuminated reticle
Burris SCR Mil non-illuminated reticle

 Burris SCR MOA non-illuminated reticle
Burris SCR MOA non-illuminated reticle
Features: FFP, Non-illuminated, Exposed or Capped-windage or Capped, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, Multi-turn, 120 MOA elev, Side-focus from 25, FOV ft@100yds: 38 – 7, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 12, 34mm tube, 13in, 30oz, Assembled in USA by Burris, Optional Race dial (white-board surface), Optional custom BDC dial (MAD Knobs), New 2020

Rifle scopes with the best field of view at 10x

 Cabelas Covenant Tactical 6-24x50
Cabelas Covenant Tactical 6-24×50

 Cabela's 6-24x50 SFP reticle
Cabela’s 6-24×50 SFP reticle
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, Exposed, 0.25 MRAD per click, 48 clicks per turn, 40 MOA elev, Side-focus from 15, FOV ft@100yds: 35 – 9, FOV @10x: 21, 30mm tube, 14in, 26oz, Assembled in China
 SWFA SS 16X42

 SWFA Mil-Quad
SWFA Mil-Quad

Features: Fixed-Power, Non-illuminated, Exposed, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 140 MOA elev, Rear-focus from 10, FOV ft@100yds: 18, FOV @10x: 18, 30mm tube, 14in, Assembled in Japan by Kenko
NEW 2020IOR-Valdada 2-16×42<$3000
 IOR-Valdada Tactical 2-16x42
IOR-Valdada Tactical 2-16×42

 IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 137 MOA elev, FOV ft@100yds: 76 – 11, FOV @5x: 32, FOV @10x: 16, 35mm tube, 13in, 30oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR, New 2020
 Hawke Frontier SF 4-20x44
Hawke Frontier SF 4-20×44

 Hawke Mil Pro 20x
Hawke Mil Pro 20x
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 65 MOA elev, Side-focus from 14, FOV ft@100yds: 38 – 8, FOV @5x: 30, FOV @10x: 15, 1in tube, 13in, 21oz, Assembled in China by Miao, New 2019
 IOR-Valdada 4-14x56
IOR-Valdada 4-14×56

 IOR-Valdada 4-14x56 4A Dot
IOR-Valdada 4-14×56 4A Dot

 IOR-Valdada 4-14x56 HR-5 reticle
IOR-Valdada 4-14×56 HR-5 reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Green/Red, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax, FOV ft@100yds: 39 – 10, FOV @5x: 30, FOV @10x: 15, 30mm tube, 15in, 26oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
 IOR-Valdada 10x42
IOR-Valdada 10×42

 IOR-Valdada 10x42 MP-8 Standard reticle
IOR-Valdada 10×42 MP-8 Standard reticle
Features: Fixed-Power, Illuminated, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 100 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 15, FOV @10x: 15, 30mm tube, 13in, 20oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
 IOR 4-28X50 RECON

 IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD per click, 124 MOA elev, AO from 7, FOV ft@100yds: 34 – 5, FOV @5x: 27, FOV @10x: 14, FOV @25x: 5, 40mm tube, 14in, 39oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
NEW 2020March FX 5-42×56>$3000
 March 5-42x56
March 5-42×56

 March 5-42x56 FFP FML MT reticle diagram
March 5-42×56 FFP FML MT reticle diagram

 March 5-42x56 FFP FML TR1 reticle diagram
March 5-42×56 FFP FML TR1 reticle diagram

 March 5-42x56 FFP FML-3 reticle diagram
March 5-42×56 FFP FML-3 reticle diagram

 March 5-42x56 turrets
March 5-42×56 turrets
Features: FFP, Illuminated, 1-hr Auto-off, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 100 clicks per turn, 137 MOA elev, Side-focus from 10, FOV ft@100yds: 26 – 3, FOV @5x: 27, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 14in, 34oz, Assembled in Japan by DEON, Wide angle, New 2020
 Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40
Vortex Diamondback 4-12×40

 Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle
Vortex Diamondback 4-12×40 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle

 Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40 V-Plex MOA reticle
Vortex Diamondback 4-12×40 V-Plex MOA reticle
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 60 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 32 – 11, FOV @5x: 27, FOV @10x: 13, 1in tube, 12in, 15oz, Assembled in Philippines by Scopro
 IOR-Valdada 9-36x44 Spyder
IOR-Valdada 9-36×44 Spyder

 IOR-Valdada FFP MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
IOR-Valdada FFP MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle

 IOR-Valdada SFP MP-8 Xtreme X1 MOA reticle
IOR-Valdada SFP MP-8 Xtreme X1 MOA reticle
Features: FFP or SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 86 MOA elev, AO from 8, FOV ft@100yds: 14 – 4, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 35mm tube, 14in, 34oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
 March 6-60x56
March 6-60×56

 March Genesis FML-MT
March Genesis FML-MT

 March Genesis FMA-MT
March Genesis FMA-MT
Features: FFP, Illuminated, 1-hr Auto-off, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.05 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 200 clicks per turn, 400 MOA elev, Side-focus from 20, FOV ft@100yds: 22 – 2, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 52oz, Assembled in Japan by DEON, Integral mount New 2018
 Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10x50
Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10×50

 Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10x50 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle
Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10×50 Dead-Hold BDC MOA reticle
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 clicks per turn, 65 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 36 – 14, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 1in tube, 13in, 16oz, Assembled in Philippines by Scopro
 Hawke 30 WA FFP 4-16x50
Hawke 30 WA FFP 4-16×50

 Hawke FFP Half Mil
Hawke FFP Half Mil
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Red/Green, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 89 MOA elev, Side-focus from 10, FOV ft@100yds: 33 – 8, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 26oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics, New 2020
 Hawke Vantage 30 WA 3-12x56
Hawke Vantage 30 WA 3-12×56

 Hawke L4A Dot
Hawke L4A Dot
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Red/Green, CR2032, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 60 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 43 – 11, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 12in, 24oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 6-24x56
Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 6-24×56

 Hawke FFP Half Mil
Hawke FFP Half Mil
Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 60 MOA elev, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 21 – 5, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 16in, 32oz, Assembled in China by Miao, New 2020
 Hawke Sidewinder 30 SF 6-24x56
Hawke Sidewinder 30 SF 6-24×56

 Hawke SR Pro II
Hawke SR Pro II

 Hawke Half Mil 20x reticle
Hawke Half Mil 20x reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.25 MOA per click, 62 MOA elev, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 21 – 5, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 16in, 30oz, Assembled in China by Miao
All Hawke
 Hawke Endurance 30 WA SF 6-24x50
Hawke Endurance 30 WA SF 6-24×50

 Hawke 223 308 Marksman 24x
Hawke 223 308 Marksman 24x

 Hawke LR Dot 16x
Hawke LR Dot 16x

 Hawke LRC 24x
Hawke LRC 24x
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.25 MOA per click, 75 MOA elev, Side-focus from 15, FOV ft@100yds: 21 – 5, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 15in, 20oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 4-16x50
Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 4-16×50

 Hawke FFP Half Mil
Hawke FFP Half Mil
Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 85 MOA elev, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 32 – 8, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 29oz, Assembled in China by Miao, New 2020
 Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 4-16x50
Hawke Sidewinder 30 FFP 4-16×50

 Hawke FFP Half Mil
Hawke FFP Half Mil
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 90 MOA elev, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 32 – 8, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 14in, 28oz, Assembled in China by Miao
 Hawke Endurance 30 WA SF 4-16x50
Hawke Endurance 30 WA SF 4-16×50

 Hawke 223 308 Marksman 16x
Hawke 223 308 Marksman 16x

 Hawke LR Dot 8x
Hawke LR Dot 8x

 Hawke LRC 16x
Hawke LRC 16x
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.25 MOA per click, 75 MOA elev, Side-focus from 15, FOV ft@100yds: 32 – 8, FOV @5x: 26, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 15in, 20oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10x42
Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10×42

 Swarovski Z6i BT close-up
Swarovski Z6i BT close-up

 Swarovski Z6i capped close-up
Swarovski Z6i capped close-up

 Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10x42 SFP non-illuminated BRH
Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10×42 SFP non-illuminated BRH

 Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10x42 SFP non-illuminated Plex
Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10×42 SFP non-illuminated Plex

 Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10x42 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10×42 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Features: SFP, Optional-illumination, Tilt-off, 3 or 5-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped or Capped-windage, 0.1 MRAD per click, 54 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @100, FOV ft@100yds: 76 – 13, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 13in, 17oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret
 Leica Magnus 1.8-12x50
Leica Magnus 1.8-12×50

 Leica Magnus BDC elevation
Leica Magnus BDC elevation

 Leica Magnus BDC elevation rings
Leica Magnus BDC elevation rings

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Plex reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-3D reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-4A reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-Ballistic reticle

 Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle
Leica Magnus illuminated L-CDi reticle

 Leica Magnus L-4A reticle
Leica Magnus L-4A reticle

 Leica Magnus L-Ballistic reticle
Leica Magnus L-Ballistic reticle

 Leica Magnus L-Plex reticle
Leica Magnus L-Plex reticle
Features: SFP, Optional-illumination, Motion-on, Auto-off, Low-batttery-indicator, Daylight-bright, Always-on-capable, Capped-windage or capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 68 – 11, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 13in, 25oz, Assembled in Germany by Leica, Optional BDC turret with zero stop, locking, 95 clicks, and rings fo 12 ballistic profiles
 Hawke Vantage 30 WA SF 6-24x50
Hawke Vantage 30 WA SF 6-24×50

 Hawke Half Mil Dot 10x
Hawke Half Mil Dot 10x
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Red/Green, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 70 MOA elev, Side-focus from 10, FOV ft@100yds: 21 – 5, FOV @10x: 13, 30mm tube, 15in, 26oz, Assembled in China by Billings Optics
 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50

 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50 SFP illuminated 4A-I

 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 SFP illuminated 4W-I
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50 SFP illuminated 4W-I

 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Dual-reticle, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 50 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 36 – 5, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 15in, 24oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret, New 2020

Rifle scopes with the best field of view at 25x

 Schmidt Bender 12.5-50x56 Field Target II
Schmidt Bender 12.5-50×56 Field Target II



Features: FFP or SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, 0.125 MOA per click, Multi-turn, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 13 – 3, FOV @25x: 6, 34mm tube, Assembled in Germany by Schmidt Bender
 IOR 4-28X50 RECON

 IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
IOR-Valdada MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD per click, 124 MOA elev, AO from 7, FOV ft@100yds: 34 – 5, FOV @5x: 27, FOV @10x: 14, FOV @25x: 5, 40mm tube, 14in, 39oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
NEW 2020March FX 5-42×56>$3000
 March 5-42x56
March 5-42×56

 March 5-42x56 FFP FML MT reticle diagram
March 5-42×56 FFP FML MT reticle diagram

 March 5-42x56 FFP FML TR1 reticle diagram
March 5-42×56 FFP FML TR1 reticle diagram

 March 5-42x56 FFP FML-3 reticle diagram
March 5-42×56 FFP FML-3 reticle diagram

 March 5-42x56 turrets
March 5-42×56 turrets
Features: FFP, Illuminated, 1-hr Auto-off, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 100 clicks per turn, 137 MOA elev, Side-focus from 10, FOV ft@100yds: 26 – 3, FOV @5x: 27, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 14in, 34oz, Assembled in Japan by DEON, Wide angle, New 2020
 IOR-Valdada 9-36x44 Spyder
IOR-Valdada 9-36×44 Spyder

 IOR-Valdada FFP MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle
IOR-Valdada FFP MP-8 Xtreme X1 MRAD reticle

 IOR-Valdada SFP MP-8 Xtreme X1 MOA reticle
IOR-Valdada SFP MP-8 Xtreme X1 MOA reticle
Features: FFP or SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 86 MOA elev, AO from 8, FOV ft@100yds: 14 – 4, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 35mm tube, 14in, 34oz, Assembled in Romania by IOR
 March 6-60x56
March 6-60×56

 March Genesis FML-MT
March Genesis FML-MT

 March Genesis FMA-MT
March Genesis FMA-MT
Features: FFP, Illuminated, 1-hr Auto-off, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.05 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 200 clicks per turn, 400 MOA elev, Side-focus from 20, FOV ft@100yds: 22 – 2, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 52oz, Assembled in Japan by DEON, Integral mount New 2018
 Schmidt Bender 12-50x56 PMII P
Schmidt Bender 12-50×56 PMII P



 P4F-MOA FFP (new 2020)
P4F-MOA FFP (new 2020)

 SportF SFP (new 2020)
SportF SFP (new 2020)


Features: FFP or SFP, Non-illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.125 MOA per click, 120 clicks per turn, Multi-turn, 65 MOA elev, Side-focus from 10, FOV ft@100yds: 11 – 3, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 17in, 39oz, Assembled in Germany by Schmidt Bender
 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50

 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 SFP illuminated 4A-I
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50 SFP illuminated 4A-I

 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 SFP illuminated 4W-I
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50 SFP illuminated 4W-I

 Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28x50 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Swarovski Z8i 3.5-28×50 SFP illuminated BRX-I
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Dual-reticle, Daylight-bright, CR2032, 180 hours (high) 1400 hours (low), Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, 50 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 36 – 5, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 15in, 24oz, Assembled in Austria by Swarovski, Optional-ballistic-turret, New 2020
 Burris XTR3 5.5-30x50
Burris XTR3 5.5-30×50

 Burris SCR2 Mil reticle
Burris SCR2 Mil reticle

 Burris SCR Mil non-illuminated reticle
Burris SCR Mil non-illuminated reticle

 Burris SCR MOA non-illuminated reticle
Burris SCR MOA non-illuminated reticle
Features: FFP, Non-illuminated, Exposed or Capped-windage or Capped, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, Multi-turn, 120 MOA elev, Side-focus from 20, FOV ft@100yds: 23 – 4, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 15in, 32oz, Assembled in USA by Burris, Optional Race dial (white-board surface), Optional custom BDC dial (MAD Knobs), New 2020
 Hawke Sidewinder 30 SF 8-32x56
Hawke Sidewinder 30 SF 8-32×56

 Hawke Half Mil 20x reticle
Hawke Half Mil 20x reticle

 Hawke SR Pro II
Hawke SR Pro II
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.25 MOA per click, 53 MOA elev, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 16 – 4, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 17in, 31oz, Assembled in China by Miao
 March Genesis 4-40x52
March Genesis 4-40×52

 March Genesis 4-40x52 FFP FML-3 reticle
March Genesis 4-40×52 FFP FML-3 reticle

 March Genesis 4-40x52 FFP FML-TR1 reticle
March Genesis 4-40×52 FFP FML-TR1 reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, 1-hr Auto-off, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.05 MRAD per click, 200 clicks per turn, 295 MOA elev, Side-focus from 20, FOV ft@100yds: 31 – 3, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 13, FOV @25x: 5, 52oz, Assembled in Japan by DEON, Integral mount New 2020
 Athlon Argos BTR 10-40x56 Gen2
Athlon Argos BTR 10-40×56 Gen2

 Athlon Argos BTR 10-40×56 BLR SFP MOA reticle
Athlon Argos BTR 10-40×56 BLR SFP MOA reticle
Features: SFP, Non-illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.125 MOA per click, 48 clicks per turn, 50 MOA elev, Side-focus from 15, FOV ft@100yds: 13 – 3, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 16in, 32oz, Assembled in China by Sam Electrical, New 2020
 SightMark Triple Duty 8.5-25x50
SightMark Triple Duty 8.5-25×50

 SightMark Triple Duty Mil-Dot reticle
SightMark Triple Duty Mil-Dot reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Green, CR2032, 80-150 hours, Exposed, Locking, 0.125 MOA per click, 60 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @10, FOV ft@100yds: 15 – 5, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 16in, 28oz, Assembled in China, Discontinued 2020
 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP

 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MOA - SKU SE-52503
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP EBR-7C MOA – SKU SE-52503

 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MRAD - SKU SE-52504
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP EBR-7C MRAD – SKU SE-52504

 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle diagram
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle diagram

 Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle diagram
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25×56 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle diagram
Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 110 MOA elev, Side-focus from 15, FOV ft@100yds: 24 – 5, FOV @5x: 25, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 15in, 30oz, Assembled in China by Miao, 47 MOA total elevation with zero stop enabled, New 2020
 Element Titan 5-25x56
Element Titan 5-25×56

 Element Titan 5-25x56 APR-1C FFP MRAD
Element Titan 5-25×56 APR-1C FFP MRAD

 Element Titan 5-25x56 APR-1D FFP MRAD
Element Titan 5-25×56 APR-1D FFP MRAD

 Element Titan 5-25x56 EHR-1C FFP MOA
Element Titan 5-25×56 EHR-1C FFP MOA

 Element Titan 5-25x56 EHR-2D FFP MOA
Element Titan 5-25×56 EHR-2D FFP MOA
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 80 MOA elev, Side-focus from 15, FOV ft@100yds: 24 – 5, FOV @5x: 24, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 15in, 39oz, Assembled in China, New 2020
 Noblex-Docter inception 5-30x56
Noblex-Docter inception 5-30×56

 Noblex-Docter inception 5-30x56 4i reticle
Noblex-Docter inception 5-30×56 4i reticle

 Noblex-Docter inception 5-30x56 BDC reticle
Noblex-Docter inception 5-30×56 BDC reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, 3-hour Auto-off, Center dot, Capped, 0.1 MRAD per click, Side-focus, FOV ft@100yds: 23 – 4, FOV @5x: 24, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 27oz, Assembled in Germany by Noblex-Docter
 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 FFP
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 FFP

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-5256
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-5256

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle diagram
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 FFP EBR-7C MOA reticle diagram

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-5259
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-5259

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle diagram
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 FFP EBR-7C MRAD reticle diagram

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 FFP EBR-2C MOA reticle (discontinued 2020) SKU PST-5255
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 FFP EBR-2C MOA reticle (discontinued 2020) SKU PST-5255

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 FFP EBR-2C MOA reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 FFP EBR-2C MOA reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 FFP EBR-2C MRAD reticle (discontinued 2020) SKU PST-5258
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 FFP EBR-2C MRAD reticle (discontinued 2020) SKU PST-5258

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 FFP EBR-2C MRAD reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 FFP EBR-2C MRAD reticle diagram (discontinued 2020)
Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 70 MOA elev, Side-focus from 25, FOV ft@100yds: 24 – 5, FOV @5x: 24, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 16in, 31oz, Assembled in Philippines by Kenko
 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25X50
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25X50

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 SFP EBR-4 MOA reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-5251
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 SFP EBR-4 MOA reticle (new 2020) SKU PST-5251

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 SFP EBR-4 MOA reticle diagram
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 SFP EBR-4 MOA reticle diagram

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 SFP MRAD EBR-2C reticle (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 SFP MRAD EBR-2C reticle (discontinued 2020)

 Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25x50 SFP MOA EBR-2C reticle (discontinued 2020)
Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5-25×50 SFP MOA EBR-2C reticle (discontinued 2020)
Features: SFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, 70 MOA elev, Side-focus from 25, FOV ft@100yds: 24 – 5, FOV @5x: 24, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 16in, 31oz, Assembled in Philippines by Kenko
NEW 2020Leica PRS 5-30×56<$3000
 Leica PRS 5-30x56
Leica PRS 5-30×56

 Leica PRS 5-30x56 FFP L4-a reticle
Leica PRS 5-30×56 FFP L4-a reticle

 Leica PRS 5-30x56 FFP L-Ballistic reticle at 15X
Leica PRS 5-30×56 FFP L-Ballistic reticle at 15X

 Leica PRS 5-30x56 FFP L-Ballistic reticle at 30X
Leica PRS 5-30×56 FFP L-Ballistic reticle at 30X

 Leica PRS 5-30x56 FFP L-PRB reticle at 5X
Leica PRS 5-30×56 FFP L-PRB reticle at 5X

 Leica PRS 5-30x56 FFP L-PRB reticle at 15X
Leica PRS 5-30×56 FFP L-PRB reticle at 15X

 Leica PRS 5-30x56 FFP L-PRB reticle at 30X
Leica PRS 5-30×56 FFP L-PRB reticle at 30X
Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD per click, 110 MOA elev, Side-focus from 20, FOV ft@100yds: 25 – 4, FOV @5x: 24, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 14in, 36oz, Assembled in Germany by Leica, New 2020
 Schmidt Bender 5-45x56 PMII High Power
Schmidt Bender 5-45×56 PMII High Power

 FinnAccuracy MSR2 FFP (new 2020)
FinnAccuracy MSR2 FFP (new 2020)

 LRR-MIL FFP (new 2020)
LRR-MIL FFP (new 2020)


 Horus Tremor3 FFP (new 2020)
Horus Tremor3 FFP (new 2020)

 H2CMR (discontinued 2020)
H2CMR (discontinued 2020)

 P4LF (discontinued 2020)
P4LF (discontinued 2020)

 Horus Tremor2 (discontinued 2020)
Horus Tremor2 (discontinued 2020)
Features: FFP, Optional-illumination, NV-modes, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 120 clicks per turn, Double-turn, 66 MOA elev, Side-focus from 30, FOV ft@100yds: 23 – 3, FOV @5x: 24, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 17in, 39oz, Assembled in Germany by Schmidt Bender
 Hawke Sidewinder 30 SF ED 10-50x60
Hawke Sidewinder 30 SF ED 10-50×60

 Hawke TMX 20X reticle
Hawke TMX 20X reticle
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Stepless, CR2032, Exposed, Locking, 0.1 MRAD/0.125 or 0.25 MOA per click, 45 MOA elev, Side-focus from 9, FOV ft@100yds: 12 – 2, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 18in, 35oz, Assembled in China by Miao, 0.1 MRAD, 0.125 MOA, 0.25 MOA turrets included, Discontinued 2020
 Falcon S30 5-30x56
Falcon S30 5-30×56

 Falcon B24 MRAD reticle
Falcon B24 MRAD reticle
Features: FFP, Non-illuminated, Exposed, 0.1 MRAD per click, 100 clicks per turn, 60 MOA elev, Side-focus from 10, FOV ft@100yds: 24 – 4, FOV @5x: 24, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 30mm tube, 16in, 33oz, Assembled in China
 EoTech Vudu 5-25x50
EoTech Vudu 5-25×50

 EoTech Vudu 5-25x50 FFP MD3 MRAD reticle
EoTech Vudu 5-25×50 FFP MD3 MRAD reticle

 EoTech Vudu 5-25x50 FFP Horus H59 MRAD reticle
EoTech Vudu 5-25×50 FFP Horus H59 MRAD reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, 2-hour Auto-off, Lowlight-visible, CR2032, 500 hours (medium), Capped-windage, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 100 clicks per turn, Multi-turn, 110 MOA elev, Side-focus, FOV ft@100yds: 23 – 5, FOV @5x: 23, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 11in, 30oz, Assembled in Japan by LOW Japan, Compat design, New 2018
 Tangent Theta TT525P 5-25x56
Tangent Theta TT525P 5-25×56

 Tangent Theta TT525P Gen2 Mil-Dot reticle
Tangent Theta TT525P Gen2 Mil-Dot reticle

 Tangent Theta TT525P Gen2 XR reticle
Tangent Theta TT525P Gen2 XR reticle

 Tangent Theta TT525P Gen3 XR reticle
Tangent Theta TT525P Gen3 XR reticle

 Tangent Theta TT525P Horus H59 reticle
Tangent Theta TT525P Horus H59 reticle

 Tangent Theta TT525P MOA-ER reticle
Tangent Theta TT525P MOA-ER reticle

 Tangent Theta TT525P Horus Tremor3 reticle
Tangent Theta TT525P Horus Tremor3 reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD/0.25 MOA per click, 150 clicks per turn, 103 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, FOV ft@100yds: 23 – 5, FOV @5x: 23, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 17in, 41oz, Assembled in Canada by Tangent Theta
NEW 2020Maven RS.4 5-30×56<$2000
 Maven RS.4 5-30x56
Maven RS.4 5-30×56

 Maven 5-30x CFR-MIL reticle
Maven 5-30x CFR-MIL reticle

 Maven 5-30x MOA-2 reticle
Maven 5-30x MOA-2 reticle

 Maven 5-30x SHR-W MIL reticle
Maven 5-30x SHR-W MIL reticle

 Maven 5-30x SHR-W MOA reticle
Maven 5-30x SHR-W MOA reticle
Features: FFP, Illuminated, Red and green, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.25 MOA/0.1 MRAD per click, 100 clicks per turn, Multi-turn, 120 MOA elev, Side-focus from 15, FOV ft@100yds: 23 – 4, FOV @5x: 23, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 34mm tube, 13in, 35oz, Assembled in Japan by Kamakura Koki, New 2020
 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MIL
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MIL

 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MIL TMR (Mk) – 176594
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MIL TMR (Mk) – 176594

 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MIL CCH – 174546
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MIL CCH – 174546

 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MIL Horus H59 – 174545
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MIL Horus H59 – 174545

 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MIL Horus Tremor3 - 177332
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MIL Horus Tremor3 – 177332

 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MIL illuminated TMR (Mk) – 176124
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MIL illuminated TMR (Mk) – 176124

 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MIL illuminated Horus Tremor3 – 177333
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MIL illuminated Horus Tremor3 – 177333

 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MIL PR2-MIL - 180223
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MIL PR2-MIL – 180223
Features: FFP, Optional-illumination, Low-battery-indicator, Motion-on, Auto-off, CR2032, Always-on-capable, Capped-windage, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.1 MRAD per click, 110 clicks per turn, Triple-turn, 100 MOA elev, Side-focus from 75, FOV ft@100yds: 17 – 3, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 35mm tube, 16in, 33oz, Assembled in USA by Leupold, New 2020
 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MOA
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MOA

 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MOA FFP Impact-60 - 174548
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MOA FFP Impact-60 – 174548

 Leupold 5HD 7-35x56 MOA SFP TMOA - 174549
Leupold 5HD 7-35×56 MOA SFP TMOA – 174549

 Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35x56 MOA PR2-MOA - 180292
Leupold Mark 5HD 7-35×56 MOA PR2-MOA – 180292
Features: FFP or SFP, Non-illuminated, Capped-windage, Zero-stop, Locking, 0.25 MOA per click, 110 clicks per turn, Triple-turn, 100 MOA elev, Side-focus from 75, FOV ft@100yds: 17 – 3, FOV @10x: 12, FOV @25x: 5, 35mm tube, 16in, 33oz, Assembled in USA by Leupold, New 2020