This article reviews the ballistic tools for long range shooters for determining a ballistic solution (drop and wind adjustments) for a particular shot. There’s a surprising variety of tools and techniques that long range shooters use to determine the drop and wind adjustments required to hit a target a long range. If you’re new to long range shooting, this article will equip you with a basic understanding of the tools and techniques of long range marksmanship, and if you’re an experienced long range shooter, this article will cover all of the new whiz-bang stuff that’s come out just recently and links to some great resources for further reading.
About the optics database
The optics database contains most firearm optics for sale in North America, including complete offerings of 53 major brands. Features: comprehensive brand coverage, all specs in standard units, FOV at comparison powers, reticle diagrams, user manuals, country of assembly, and OEM factory.
Optic Type | Optics | Reticles |
Micro reflex RDS | 75 | 93 |
Reflex red dot and holographic | 163 | 212 |
Magnifier | 34 | 0 |
Prism scope | 62 | 135 |
Fixed-Power | 52 | 92 |
FFP | 348 | 1113 |
SFP | 793 | 1827 |
Total | 1527 | 3472 |
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About the author

I am a licensed outfitter/guide in Oregon, where we offer all-inclusive guncation experiences ranging from varmint hunting, to practical rifle courses, to extreme long range marksmanship.
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Basics of external ballistics
A ballistic solution for a shot consists of the drop (elevation) and wind adjustments required to place the bullet on target.
Inputs: The calculations for determining a ballistic solution depend on:
- Projectile characteristics, such as G1 or G7 ballistic coefficients (or custom drag model), diameter, weight, and length
- Rifle characteristics, such as zero range, sight height, and barrel twist rate
- Muzzle velocity
- Range to target
- Inclination (uphill/downhill angle of the shot)
- Density altitude (a function of station barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity)
- Wind speed and direction
- Latitude and compass azimuth of the shot (for Coriolis effects)
Effects: Using the inputs above, a complete ballistic solution will account for:
- Acceleration of gravity
- Inclination of the shot
- Drift due to wind
- Spin drift and aerodynamic jump
- Coriolis effects
Drop due to gravity: the drop due to gravity is a function of the bullet’s time of flight. While the bullet is in flight, the acceleration of gravity bends the bullet’s trajectory into an arc (the actual trajectory is not quite parabolic, because the bullet is slowing down due to aerodynamic drag). Drop due to gravity (and time of flight) depends on muzzle velocity, range to target, inclination, the bullet’s ballistic coefficient (or custom drag model), density altitude, and wind speed/direction.
The bullet’s ballistic coefficient (or custom drag model) and the density altitude will determine the rate at which the bullet loses velocity to drag.
A tail wind effectively increases your muzzle velocity, and a head wind reduces it. To quantify the wind’s net effect on muzzle velocity, measure the angle of the wind perpendicular to the trajectory, and apply the cosine of that angle to the wind speed.
Inclination: When shooting uphill or downhill, you must decrease your drop adjustment relative to shooting across flat ground. To understand why, consider that when shooting level, gravity pulls your bullet away from your point of aim at a right angle (maximum deflection), but when you shoot straight up or straight down, gravity does not bend your bullet’s trajectory away from your point of aim at all (zero deflection).
Drift due to wind: The drift due to wind is a function of the time of flight, the velocity of the cross-wind component of the wind (perpendicular to the trajectory), and the bullet’s characteristics (weight, diameter, and length). Heavier bullets resist changes in the direction of their momentum more than lighter bullets. Longer and larger diameter bullets have more surface area for the wind to push on than smaller bullets. To determine the velocity of the cross-wind component of the wind (the component of the wind perpendicular to the trajectory), measure the angle of the wind relative to the bullet’s trajectory, and apply the cosine of that angle to the wind speed.
Spin drift and aerodynamic jump: Most rifle barrels are right-hand twist. For the much less common left-hand twist barrels, right becomes left in the discussion below. Both spin drift and aerodynamic jump are caused by the interplay of the bullet’s angular momentum (spin) and aerodynamic forces. The key concept is the gyroscopic response of a spinning body to the application of an external force: if you bump a spinning top, the top moves perpendicular to the direction of the bump (the direction depending on the direction of the spin). This property of angular momentum is why bicycles resist tipping over when their wheels are turning.
Spin drift: When the bullet leaves the muzzle, the bullet’s axis initially matches its trajectory, but as gravity bends the trajectory, the bullet develops a positive angle of attack (the tip of the bullet pointed above the trajectory). With a positive angle of attack, wind forces push on the underside of the bullet. For a bullet with right-hand spin, the gyroscopic response to the force applied to the underside of the bullet will push the bullet to the right.
Aerodynamic jump: For a bullet with right-hand spin, the gyroscopic response to a force (crosswind) applied from the right will push the bullet up, and a force applied from the left will push the bullet down.
The magnitude of these effects at 1000 yards is approximately 1 MOA right (spin drift), and either ½ MOA up/down in a 10 MPH cross wind (aerodynamic jump).
Coriolis (and Eötvös) effects: These effects result in a very slight deflection of the bullet from the point of aim caused the rotation of the Earth while the bullet is in flight. The shooter’s latitude, compass azimuth of the shot, and bullet’s time of flight are the factors that determine the magnitude and direction of the Coriolis and Eötvös deflections. Because capturing the compass azimuth of each shot can be tedious and the magnitude of these effects are so small (something like one click per 1000 yards), many shooters elect to disable the Coriolis corrections in their ballistic apps.
The Coriolis effect causes projectiles to be deflected to the right (with respect to the direction of travel) in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. The Coriolis effect does not depend on compass azimuth. The Coriolis effect is greatest at the poles and null at the Equator. This is the same effect that causes hurricanes to spin counter clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Eötvös effect causes projectiles to be deflected low or high to the extent you are shooting East or West. Imagine that you could float just above the Earth in a stationary frame of reference while the Earth rotates below you. Distant objects on the Earth’s surface in the East will appear to rise as they rotate toward you, and objects in the West will appear to set. Because targets in the East are rising, shots to the East will be low, and because targets in the West are setting, shots to the West will be high. The Eötvös effect is greatest at the Equator and null at the poles. Ballistic calculators lump Eötvös into the Coriolis calculations (you won’t see the word “Eötvös” in the app).
Categories of ballistic tools for long range shooters
Long range shooters use a number of different tools to capture the above data and to calculate a ballistic solution, such as:
- Dope (data on previous experience)
- Ballistic chronographs to measure muzzle velocity
- Range finding (GPS, maps, laser rangefinders, or reticle-based target milling) to estimate the range of a shot
- Inclinometer to determine the uphill/downhill angle of a shot
- Ballistic calculators (websites, phone apps, solvers embedded in laser rangefinders, solvers embedded in weather meters, solvers embedded in other devices, or BDC turrets/reticles)
- Weather meters to determine density altitude
- Wind meters to determine wind speed and direction
- Latitude and compass aziumuth to determine Coriolis effects
See the end of this article for example combinations of ballistic tools that illustrate how to assemble a complete toolkit for making elevation and windage adjustments.
Dope (data on previous experience)
If you have dope for a shot, use the dope. Ballistic calculations are for when you don’t have dope (new range, new weather, new elevation, new ammunition, etc.). Without dope, your ballistic calculator’s estimates are just good guesses. To have confidence in the results of your ballistic calculator, you must compare them to actual live fire results with your rifle, your ammunition, and the atmospherics of your shooting location. Elite shooters universally have the habit of collecting dope in log books or shooting diaries. Read this thread on SnipersHide about why data books are so important.
I don’t include the data books in the example toolkit combinations later in this article because I consider them a mandatory part of every toolkit. Pick one now.
![]() ![]() ![]() Features: Storm Tactical “Heavy Paper” Modular Data books are printed on extra heavy duty 90 Pound Index Card Stock paper, in an easy to read size of 5.5″ x 8.5″ (half of an 8.5″ x 11″ sheet of paper). The book uses a 3-ring poly binder. These books can be used with Rite in Rain waterproof pen, sharpie ultra fine point pen, sharpie extra fine point marker, uniball 207 style pen, other smear-proof pen, or pencil. Contains 200 pages, including: Come-ups, Dedicated Cold Bore, Cold Bore/Zero, Zero/Calls, Technical Reticle Hold, Torso, Special Target, Movers, Unknown Distance/Long Range, Range Card/Field Sketch, Sniper Observation Log, Round Count, USMC Click/Wind Charts, Information Pages with formulas, and Notes Pages. Shop: Amazon |
Features: The Magpul Dynamics Precision Rifle Data Book uses a simplified density altitude-based, color-coded chart to record your rifles’ data across a wide spectrum of shooting conditions. Uses a rugged, all weather material that can be written on using pens, pencils, and non-permanent markers. Recorded data can also be erased with alcohol-based substances, returning the material to its original state. All pages are reusable and include a field expedient density altitude calculator, cold bore shot tracking log, known distance data confirmation pages, range cards, a point of impact shift tracker, and simple hasty hold formulas. Ring not included.Features: * True all-weather, semi rigid writing surface * Recorded material is erasable with alcohol * Field Expedient Density Altitude calculator * Cold Bore/Night Optic and POI Shift Track Logs * KD Data collection sheets from -5000 to 16,700 feet DA * Field Range Cards and Unknown Distance/Observation Amplifying Remarks Cards * Moving target and Hasty Hold formulas * 7.0″ H x 5.0″ W * Made in U.S.A. |
Features: Weatherproof paper and cover. Rite in the Rain survives splashes, stains, and storms to protect your data. When wet, use a standard pencil like a #2 Ticonderoga or an all-weather pen like a Fisher Space Pen. Standard ballpoints and permanent markers will work when paper is dry. Water-based inks will bead or wash off Rite in the Rain Paper. Tough but flexible Polydura material outer shell. The simple page layout tracks environmental and ballistic data for quick reference. Reference material includes wind calculation and MOA-MRAD conversions. Tough impact-resistant Wire-O binding won’t lose its shape in your pocket or backpack. Made in the USA. Shop: Amazon |
Range finding
Unless you know the range to your target, ballistic calculations can’t help you estimate bullet drop. There are several ways to estimate target range:
- GPS measurements
- Map-based measurements
- Laser rangefinders
- Using reticle subtensions to measure targets of known size (sometimes referred to as milling the target)
There are too many GPS devices to review here, but the idea is to mark waypoints for your target locations, then use the GPS device to obtain distances to the target locations from your shooting position. Obviously, this works great for shooting ranges, but isn’t viable for most hunting applications. Some GPS devices have built-in temperature and station air pressure sensors.
Shooters may use maps and/or satellite imagery of your shooting area and plot the positions of the target and firing position to determine range. Google Earth, paper maps, and the BallisticsARC ballistic computer phone app are options for range finding using maps. When using Google Earth or or BallisticsARC, you will need Internet connectivity to access maps and imagery. The OnX Hunt phone app is extremely popular with hunters because maps can be downloaded in advance and will work in areas without cell signal.
Laser rangefinders are the quickest and easiest method for ranging animals when hunting, or when ranging unknown distance targets in precision rifle competitions. Be sure to pick a laser rangefinder with sufficient range for your applications, as many are limited in how far they work. Some laser rangefinders are equipped with built-in temperature and air pressure sensors, and some even with on-board ballistic calculators. For ranges over 750 yards, it becomes very important to hold the laser rangefinder still. A tripod mounting system may be required to obtain readings at the extremes of the published capabilities of the units.
The most difficult method is to use the subtension markings in your reticle for ranging targets of known sizes. It’s difficult because it can be hard to hold the reticle still enough to take a precise measurement, or in the case of hunting, to get a precise measurement of an animal that won’t hold still. In second/rear focal plane scopes, reticle subtensions (if any) are only accurate at a particular magnification setting, typically maximum zoom. The advantage of reticle-based range finding is that no extra devices, maps, batteries or Internet connectivity is required. When using reticle ranging, a Mildot Master is useful for easy conversion of subtension measurements to range in yards or meters. If you don’t know the size of your target, you can’t use this method.
Features: The Mildot Master is an analog calculator designed along the principle of a slide rule, utilizing logarithmic and inverse logarithmic scales developed specifically for performing the following operations: * Rapid and simple calculation of range to target, based on a measurement of the target with a Mildot reticle, by aligning the estimated target size directly opposite the Mildot measurement, and then reading the range at an index mark. * Rapid and simple calculation of the amount of sight correction necessary to compensate for bullet drop and/or wind drift for a given range, enabling the shooter to determine either the equivalent telescopic sight adjustment (minute-of-angle, or MOA) or the equivalent hold-over (mils), by reading equivalents in both MOA and mils directly opposite the bullet drop/wind drift figure. * Additionally, angle of fire for uphill or downhill shots can be accurately measured, and the up/down compensation can be closely calculated to reduce the errors such shots can induce. |
Shooting at inclines
When shooting uphill or downhill, you must adjust your drop adjustment relative to shooting across flat ground. The Rifleman’s Rule uses the equivalent horizontal range (EHR) instead of the line of sight range (LOS) when adjusting for drop. When using a laser rangefinder that reports EHR and a scope with BDC turrets and/or reticle, the Rifleman’s Rule is very simple and fast to implement (ideal for hunting). EHR is calculated by multiplying the LOS by the cosine of the angle of inclination.
The Improved Rifleman’s Rule applies the cosine of the angle of inclination to the drop adjustment for the LOS range. The Improved Rifleman’s Rule provides better results than the Rifleman’s Rule at longer ranges. If you like formulas and trigonometry, click here for a detailed analysis of adjusting for inclined shots.
There are several ways to determine the incline cosine of your shot:
- Sight the target using a Mildot Master equipped with a string and plumb bob.
- Install an angle cosine indicator device on your rifle.
- Use the inclinometer built into your laser rangefinder.
- Use your smartphone ballistic calculator app: the app will use your phone’s internal positional sensor to measure the incline, simply place your smartphone flat on the top of the scope’s elevation turret (while aimed at the target).
Features: The angle cosine indicator mounts the rail on your rifle receiver or base, and indicates the cosine of the angle of incline needed to modify your drop adjustment to account for the uphill/downhill angle of your shot. |
Ballistic calculators
There are a variety of ballistic calculators available, ranging from phone apps, websites, to embedded software on devices. They all have one purpose: to estimate bullet drop and windage adjustments at different target ranges. The calculations are estimates, and there is no replacement for actually shooting your ammunition from your rifle in your atmospheric conditions and observing the actual drop. The results of your real world tests are called “Data On Previous Experience”, or “dope”. Once you collect several data points of dope, you can use it to true up the estimates of the ballistic calculator to improve your confidence in estimates for ranges/conditions that you don’t have dope for.
Web-based ballistic calculators
You can take a laptop into the field with you, or you can print drop charts/range cards at home and take the pieces of paper with you into the field. There are many different ballistic calculator web sites, but I recommend that you consider using one of the following (all free):
- The Applied Ballistics online calculator uses the Applied Ballistics Standard ballistic solver.
- The Berger Bullets online calculator uses the Applied Ballistics Ultralight ballistic solver (with simplified inputs by omitting calculations for spin drift and Coriolis effects).
- The JBM Ballistics online calculator is well-trusted and sophisticated ballistic calculator.
- The Hornady 4DOF ballistic calculator
The Applied Ballistics (AB), JBM, and Hornady 4DOF ballistic solvers can be found in both phone app ballistic calculators (see next section) and embedded in device-based ballistic calculators (e.g., laser rangefinders, GPS devices, and weather meters). It’s worth noting here that Applied Ballistics has three versions of their solver that will appear in a number of different tools in this article:
- AB Ultralight: found in some Bushnell and Sig Sauer laser rangefinders, the Ultralight solver is their most basic solver. It’s a full-featured solver, but lacks calculations for secondardy effects that only really come into play past 1000 yards.
- AB Standard: adds calculations for spin drift, aerodynamic jump, and Coriolis effects. Applied Ballistics doesn’t officially call this version the “Standard” version, they just don’t say Ultralight or Elite, but I find that confusing, so I’ll say Standard when I refer to this version of their solver.
- AB Elite: adds truing/calibration using live fire results, adds proprietary custom drag models that improve on the industry standard G1 and G7 ballistic coefficient approach to modeling the aerodynamic performance of projections. AB Elite is considered by many to be the gold standard against which all other solvers are compared.
Ballistic calculator phone apps
There are a variety of phone app ballistic calculators, but these are the most popular:
- Applied Ballistics Analytics (iOS) or Applied Ballistics Analytics (Android). Uses the AB Elite ballistic solver. My personal go-to app.
- BallisticsARC by GeoBallistics (iOS and Android). Uses the JBM ballistic solver with tremendous convenience features such as map-based range finding, use of phone-based compass and inclinometer sensors, downloading of atmospheric data from nearby weather stations, and wind/weather meter device integration. Widely used by precision rifle competitors, very user friendly, and feature packed. I have BallisticsARC installed on my phone, and I love the map feature: I understand why competitors love this app.
- Hornady 4DOF (iOS and Android). Uses a proprietary 4 degrees-of-freedom solver that Hornady claims is superior to traditional ballistic coefficient solvers. Lacks certain convenience features such as downloading atmospheric data from nearby weather stations.
- Ballistic Advanced Edition (iOS only). Ballistic AE uses the JBM Ballistic engine.
- Shooter (iOS and Android). Uses the AB Standard solver.
- Strelok Pro (iOS and Android). Uses a proprietary, yet highly respected solver. Very popular. Patrick, one of our guides, likes Strelok.
- DesertTech TRASOL (iOS and Android). Uses a proprietary solver with a library of proprietary custom drag curves.
Laser rangefinders with built-in ballistic calculators
A number of the laser rangefinders have built-in basic ballistic calculators. The sophistication of the ballistic calculations found in laser rangefinders varies greatly, from a handful of pre-determined ballistic profiles to full-blown ballistic computers with on-board weather sensors. The GunWerks G7, Sig Sauer Kilo 2400 ABS, and Trijicon Ventus X laser rangefinders deserve special mention because they are equipped with “competition-grade” ballistic solvers.
Not quite making the list, Leica Geovid.COM-series binocular and Rangemaster.COM-series monocular laser rangefinders deserve an honorable mention, because you can calculate custom ballistic curves using their proprietary ballistic solver and download them onto the laser rangefinders via BlueTooth or MicroSD card. Steiner and Vectronix have laser rangefinders that will display the ballistic solutions calculated by Kestrel 5700 meters connected via BlueTooth.
Display |
Features: 6x24mm Monocular Max range: 2000 Tree range: 1200 Deer range: 800 Battery: CR2 Sensors: Inclinometer Ballistic calculations: Yes, AB Ultralight solver BlueTooth: Yes Tripod adaptable: No Length: 4.2 inches Weight: 5.7 oz SKU: LN1800IGG Other: New 2019 |
Features: 7x26mm Monocular Max range: 2500 Tree range: 2500 Beam divergence: .75 x 1.5 MRAD Eye relief: 20mm mm FOV: 6.3 degrees Battery: CR123 Battery life: 8 hours Sensors: Inclinometer, Air temperature, Air pressure Ballistic calculations: Yes, proprietary solver BlueTooth: No Tripod adaptable: Yes Length: 4.5 inches Weight: 14.4 oz Other: Ballistic calculations limited to 1400 yards |
Features: 5x20mm Monocular Max range: 1200 Tree range: 800 Deer range: 600 Beam divergence: 2.0 MRAD Eye relief: 18 mm FOV: 7.5 degrees Battery: CR2 Battery life: 4000 ranges Sensors: Inclinometer Ballistic calculations: Yes, AB Ultralight solver BlueTooth: Yes Length: 3.9 inches Weight: 5.3 oz SKU: SOK10602 |
Features: 6x20mm Monocular Max range: 1600 Tree range: 950 Deer range: 750 Beam divergence: 3.3 MRAD Eye relief: 14 mm FOV: 6.5 degrees Battery: CR2 Battery life: 4000 ranges Sensors: Inclinometer Ballistic calculations: Yes, AB Ultralight solver BlueTooth: Yes Length: 3.7 inches Weight: 5 oz SKU: SOK14601 graphite, SOK14602 gray |
Features: 6x22mm Monocular Max range: 2000 Tree range: 1200 Deer range: 1000 Beam divergence: 1.5 MRAD Eye relief: 17 mm FOV: 6 degrees Battery: CR2 Battery life: 4000 ranges Sensors: Inclinometer Ballistic calculations: Yes, AB Ultralight solver BlueTooth: Yes Length: 4 inches Weight: 7.9 oz SKU: SOK18601 |
Features: 7x22mm Monocular Max range: 3400 Tree range: 1600 Deer range: 1300 Beam divergence: 1.4 MRAD Eye relief: 15 mm FOV: 6.78 degrees Battery: CR2 Battery life: 4000 ranges Sensors: Inclinometer Ballistic calculations: Yes, AB Ultralight solver BlueTooth: Yes Length: 4 inches Weight: 7.5 oz SKU: SOK22704 |
Features: 7x25mm Monocular Max range: 3400 Tree range: 1800 Deer range: 1400 Beam divergence: 1.4 MRAD Eye relief: 15 mm FOV: 6.78 degrees Battery: CR2 Battery life: 4000 ranges Sensors: Inclinometer Ballistic calculations: Yes, AB Ultralight solver BlueTooth: Yes Length: 4 inches Weight: 7.5 oz SKU: SOK24704 |
Features: 7x25mm Monocular Max range: 3400 Tree range: 1800 Deer range: 1400 Beam divergence: 1.4 MRAD Eye relief: 15 mm FOV: 6.78 degrees Battery: CR2 Battery life: 4000 ranges Sensors: Inclinometer, Air temperature, Air pressure, Humidity, Compass Ballistic calculations: Yes, AB Elite solver BlueTooth: Yes Tripod adaptable: Yes Length: 4 inches Weight: 7.5 oz SKU: SOK24701 Other: Separate wind meter included |
Features: 10x42mm Binocular Max range: 5000 Tree range: 4000 Deer range: 2000 Beam divergence: 1.5 MRAD Eye relief: 18 mm FOV: 6.1 degrees Battery: CR2 Battery life: 4000 ranges Sensors: Inclinometer Ballistic calculations: Yes, AB Ultralight solver BlueTooth: Yes Length: 5.75 inches Weight: 31 oz SKU: SOK31001 |
Trijicon Ventus X<$3001 Features: 9x Monocular Max range: 5000 Tree range: 5000 Deer range: 5000 Battery: rechargeable lithium 18650 (X2) Sensors: Inclinometer, Air temperature, Air pressure, Humidity, Compass Ballistic calculations: Yes, proprietary solver BlueTooth: Yes Tripod adaptable: Yes Other: Doppler LIDAR, Maps 3D wind velocities out to 500 yards, phone app, New 2020 (not yet for sale) |
Kestrel weather meters with built-in ballistic calculators
Kestrel weather meters are very popular with long range competitors and hunters, and come with and without built-in ballistic calculation capabilities (see the section on weather meters for a review of the Kestrel meters without ballistic calculators). Advantages of using a Kestrel meter for ballistic calculations is that you minimize the number of devices needed in the field, and unlike your phone, a Kestrel weather meter is fully waterproof. Top-level Precision Rifle Series (PRS) competitors overwhelmingly rely on Kestrel 5700 meters for their ballistic calculations.
Kestrel offers four options for on-board ballistic solvers:
- Applied Ballistics Ultralight solver. Supports three gun profiles. Available on the Kestrel 2700 meter.
- Applied Ballistics Standard solver (adds humidity sensor, adds calculations for spin drift, aerodynamic jump, and Coriolis effects). Supports three gun profiles. Available on the Kestrel 5700 Ballistics meter.
- Applied Ballistics Elite solver (adds custom drag models, truing, range card screen, and up to 30 gun profiles). Available on the Kestrel 5700 Elite Ballistics meter.
- Hornady 4DOF solver. Supports three gun profiles. Available on the Kestrel 5700 Hornady 4DOF meter.
Whichever Kestrel device you select, I strongly recommend selecting a meter with the LiNK BlueTooth connectivity feature for two reasons, (1) so you can use the user-friendly Kestrel phone app to manage the device and more gun profiles than the device alone can manage, and (2) you have the option to use the meter as simply a weather meter in conjunction with a ballistic calculator phone app. With the purchase of a firmware update, you can upgrade a 5700 Ballistics meter to a 5700 Elite Ballistic meter (the physical 5700 devices are identical).
Features: Temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity sensors for determining density altitude. Anemometer and compass for measuring wind speed and direction. Applied Ballistics Elite ballistic calculator, including custom drag models and truing. BlueTooth LiNK connectivity. |
Features: Temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity sensors for determining density altitude. Anemometer and compass for measuring wind speed and direction. Applied Ballistics Lite ballistic calculator (does not include custom drag models or truing). BlueTooth LiNK connectivity. |
Features: Temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity sensors for determining density altitude. Anemometer and compass for measuring wind speed and direction. Hornady 4DOF ballistic calculator. BlueTooth LiNK connectivity. |
Features: Environmental sensors for temperature and barometric pressure (no humidity sensor). Anemometer and compass for measuring wind speed and direction. Basic ballistic calculator (does not include spin drift, Coriolis effect, aerodynamic jump, custom drag models, or truing). BlueTooth LiNK connectivity. |
Rifle scopes with ballistic calculators
Display | Brand-Line | Price | MagASC | MagDESC | Type | Weight |
Burris Eliminator III LaserScope 3-12×44DISCONTINUED<$1500 Features: SFP, Illuminated, Calculated hold-over, CR123A, Capped, 0.125 MOA per click, 50 MOA elev, AO from 50, 14in, 29oz, Assembled in Phillipines, Built-in laser range finder, Ballistic-calculator, Integral mount, Discontinued 2020 | BURR-13-A120-0808-09 | 1500-A120-0808-09-BURR | A120-0808-09-BURR-1500 | 0657-A0300-09-BURR-1500 | 09-A120-0808-BURR-1500 | 2880 |
NEW 2020Burris Eliminator IV LaserScope 4-16×50<$2000 ![]() ![]() Features: SFP, Illuminated, Calculated hold-over, AAA (X2), Capped, 50 MOA elev, AO from 30, 14in, 29oz, Assembled in Phillipines, Built-in laser range finder, Ballistic-calculator, Integral mount, New 2020 (may not yet be available from retailers) Research: | BURR-13-A160-0519-09 | 2000-A160-0519-09-BURR | A160-0519-09-BURR-2000 | 0454-A0400-09-BURR-2000 | 09-A160-0519-BURR-2000 | 2880 |
Features: SFP, Illuminated, Calculated hold-over, CR123A, Capped, 0.125 MOA per click, 40 MOA elev, AO from 50, 16in, 30oz, Assembled in Phillipines, Built-in laser range finder, Ballistic-calculator, Integral mount | BURR-13-A160-0519-09 | 1500-A160-0519-09-BURR | A160-0519-09-BURR-1500 | 0454-A0400-09-BURR-1500 | 09-A160-0519-BURR-1500 | 3040 |
Revic PMR428 4.5-28×56<$3000 Features: FFP, Illuminated, Heads-up-display, Auto-off, Electronic-level, Exposed, Zero-stop, 85 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, 34mm tube, 14in, 47oz, Assembled in Japan, Sensor-suite, Ballistic-calculator, BlueTooth, New 2018 | REVI-PM-A280-0341-08 | 3000-A280-0341-08-REVI | A280-0341-08-REVI-3000 | 0115-A0450-08-REVI-3000 | 08-A280-0341-REVI-3000 | 4700 |
NEW 2020Steiner M8Xi 1-8×24 IFS<$3000 Features: SFP, Illuminated, Daylight-bright, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD per click, 150 per turn, 90 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, 34mm tube, 11in, 27oz, Assembled in Germany, Pressure and temperature sensors, Ballistic-calculator, BlueTooth, New 2020 Research: | STEI-02-A080-1414-09 | 3000-A080-1414-09-STEI | A080-1414-09-STEI-3000 | 0881-A0100-09-STEI-3000 | 09-A080-1414-STEI-3000 | 2650 |
NEW 2020Steiner M7Xi 4-28×56 IFS>$3000 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Features: FFP, Illuminated, CR2032, Exposed, Zero-stop, 0.1 MRAD per click, 150 per turn, 90 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, 34mm tube, 15in, 34oz, Assembled in Germany, Pressure and temperature sensors, Ballistic-calculator, BlueTooth, New 2020 Research: All4Shooters | STEI-02-A280-0519-08 | 3001-A280-0519-08-STEI | A280-0519-08-STEI-3001 | 0115-A0400-08-STEI-3001 | 08-A280-0519-STEI-3001 | 3350 |
Steiner ICS 6x>$3000 Features: Prism Scope, Red, CR123A, 0.5 MOA per click, 120 MOA elev, Fixed-parallax @ 100, 8in, 28oz, Assembled in Germany, Laser range finder (800yd), inclinomter, Ballistic-calculator, cable pressure pad, integrated iron sights Research: TheFirearmBlog | STEI-Ba-A060-0185-06 | 3001-A060-0185-06-STEI | A060-0185-06-STEI-3001 | 0995-A0600-06-STEI-3001 | 06-A060-0185-STEI-3001 | 2780 |
Swarovski dS 5-25×50>$3000 Features: SFP, Illuminated, Tilt-off, Auto-off, Low-battery-indicator, Heads-up display, CR123A, Capped, 0.25 MOA per click, 43 MOA elev, Side-focus from 50, 40mm tube, 16in, 38oz, Assembled in Austria, Integral laser range finder, Inclinometer, Air pressure and temperature sensors, Ballistic-calculator, BlueTooth phone app Research: User Manual | SWAR-02-A250-0284-09 | 3001-A250-0284-09-SWAR | A250-0284-09-SWAR-3001 | 0188-A0500-09-SWAR-3001 | 09-A250-0284-SWAR-3001 | 3840 |
Other devices with built-in ballistic calculators
Here are a some examples of other devices with ballistic calculators – there are certainly a few others that I missed. The Sig Sauer Sierra6BDX-series of rifle scopes deserve an honorable mention, because while they aren’t equipped a ballistic solver, they are designed to pair via BlueTooth with a Sig Sauer BDX laser rangefinder to display an aiming dot for the ballistic solution calculated by the BDX laser rangefinder that is equipped with a ballistic solver.
Barrett BORS Optical Ranging SystemDISCONTINUED<$500 Features: BORS is a programmable, scope-mounted ballistic computer. It tracks the movement of the elevation dial and converts that adjustment to a firing solution, which is displayed on the LCD. Internal sensors automatically compensate for changes in bullet trajectory from changes in certain environment conditions and bore angle. Its housing serves as the rear scope ring cap. A customized elevation dial is coupled to the scope’s elevation adjustment post. The internal memory can hold 80 cartridge tables. You must select a model specific to your rifle scope. Discontinued 2018. |
Features: Full-featured GPS navigation, barometric pressure sensor, and Applied Ballistics Elite ballistic solver. Receive emails and texts, and share your location. |
Bullet Drop Compensating (BDC) turrets and reticles
A BDC turret or reticle is essentially a stripped-down ballistic calculator. BDC turrets and/or reticles are ideal for hunting or tactical shooting at close-to-medium range under time pressure or stress. Just dial the range on the BDC turret or hold the range in the BDC reticle and shoot. Not perfect, but extremely simple and fast.
BDC reticles and turrets come in flavors by type of cartridge, such as 22LR, 5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO, 300 BLK, 6.5 Creedmoor, etc.
When you buy a scope that has the option for a custom ballistic dial, the elevation dial that will come in the box when you buy the scope will typically be a standard dial graduated in minutes of angle (MOA) or milliradians (MRAD or “mils”). You then visit the manufacturer’s website, register the product and order a custom dial specific for your bullet attributes, muzzle velocity, and density altitude. On the replacement custom ballistic dial, instead of the dial numbers representing simple integer increments of MOA or MRAD, the numbers displayed on the circumference of the dial are for hundreds of yards (or meters) of distance to target.
When ordering a custom ballistic dial, you will be asked for the following:
- Bullet weight, caliber, and ballistic coefficient (e.g., 140 grain 6.5mm ELD-M with a G7 ballistic coefficient of 0.326)
- Muzzle velocity (e.g., 2710 fps)
- Elevation/standard barometric pressure/temperature/humidity OR station pressure/temperature/humidity OR simply density altitude
From these inputs, they will use a ballistic calculator to calculate the MOA or MRAD drops for 100 yard/meter increments, and etch them onto the custom ballistic dial. However, if it is an option, I recommend that you collect dope and true your own ballistic calculator, then provide your desired drop chart to the dial maker.
Click the following links to learn more about scope brand-specific offerings for custom dials:
- Leupold Custom Dial System (CDS)
- SIG Ballistic Turret (SBT)
- Burris Custom Knobs
- TRACT Custom Turrets
- Swarovski Personalized Ballistic Cams
Kenton Industries makes custom turrets for the following brands:
- Burris
- Bushnell
- German Precision Optics
- Hawke
- Leica
- Leupold
- Meopta
- Minox
- Nightforce
- Nikon
- Redfield
- Schmidt & Bender
- Sightron
- Steiner
- Stryka
- Trijicon
- Vanguard
- Vortex
- Zeiss
An alternative to replacing the elevation dial on your scope with a custom-etched BDC dial is to simply wrap a sticker or label around your existing dial that reflects your desired drop chart data.
Some options for creating custom dial labels include:
- Kenton Industries (labels available for most scope brands, $40)
- Custom Turret Systems (order labels to be sent to you, 4 labels for $35)
- (order labels for around $15 each, or download free labels to print yourself, click here for a discussion of
Weather and wind meters
Capturing accurate air density information is vital for obtaining accurate solutions from your ballistic solver. Density altitude is the standardized measure for describing air density, and is the atmospheric value used by ballistic solvers in their calculations. Some ballistic solvers will allow you to input density altitude, but more typically the solvers will ask for more directly measurable atmospheric values (air pressure, temperature, and humidity) and calculate the density altitude from those inputs.
Typically, the atmospheric inputs that you’ll find in ballistic solvers are:
- Station pressure (barometric air pressure at your location) or standardized barometric pressure (station pressure normalized to sea level). Standardized barometric pressure is the value most typically found in weather reports, because it makes it easier to compare weather conditions between locations at different altitudes. Be very careful not to confuse station pressure and standardized barometric pressure, as these values can be signficantly different at higher altitudes.
- Elevation/altitude (not required if using station pressure, required if using standardized barometric pressure)
- Temperature
- Relative humidity
Elevation or station pressure has greatest effect on density altitude, and humidity has the least affect. Humidity is almost an optional value, because 0 to 100% relative humidity changes air density by less than 1%. It’s no big deal if your weather meter does not measure humidity, simply enter 50% and call it good. For a detailed analysis of how atmospheric data affects ballistic solution calculations, see this Applied Ballistics white paper on truing/calibrating your solver using live fire DOPE (PDF).
If you have Internet connectivity at your shooting location, some of the smartphone ballistic calculator apps enable you to download atmospheric data from a nearby weather station.
Click here or here for in-depth reviews of wrist watches with environmental sensors. Watch sensors typically measure the most important environmental values, station pressure and temperature, but most do not measure humidity.
Features: The WeatherFlow WEATHERmeter for Precision Shooting was designed to integrate with the BallisticsARC ballistic solver phone app by GeoBallistics via BlueTooth and allows shooters to capture a complete on-site atmospheric data including wind speed, temperature, station pressure, relative humidity, and density altitude. |
Features: Measures wind speed, temperature, station pressure, and density altitude. |
Features: Temperature, station pressure, and humidity sensors for determining density altitude. No anemomenter (wind speed meter) or compass. No ballistic calculations. BlueTooth LiNK connectivity. |
Features: Sensors for station pressure, temperature, and wind speed. No humidity sensor, no compass. Similar to the Kestrel 2700 Ballistic, minus the ballistic solver functions. |
Features: Sensors for station pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed. No compass. Simiilar to the 2500 meter, plus a humidity sensor. |
Features: Sensors for station pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed. No compass. More sophisticated user interface and data tracking functions than the 2500 or 3500 models. Shop: Amazon |
Features: Sensors for station pressure, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and compass. Similar to the 5000 series, plus a compass. Similar to the 5700 series, minus the ballistic solver functions (but same physical device as the 5700 meters). If you’re considering the 5500, you probably look at the 5700 Ballistics, because they’re the same price, same physical device, but you get the ballistic solver for free by purchasing the 5700 Ballistics meter instead of the 5500 meter. |
Features: Sensors for station pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed. No compass. BlueTooth connectivity to Horus ballistic phone app. Shop: Manufacturer |
Compass azimuth and latitude for estimating Coriolis effects
At extreme long ranges, the bullet time of flight may be long enough that the Earth can appreciably rotate the target away from the point of aim. Coriolis effects vary by compass heading and latitude. If your ballistic solver includes adjustments for Coriolis effects, and you have a compass or a device with a compass embedded into it, you can enter the shot’s azimuth (compass heading) into the solver to adjust for the Coriolis effect. Shooters often turn-off Coriolis calculations because the effects are so minor as to not warrant the effort to capture and verify the compass azimuth for each shot.
Example toolkits
In the example toolkits that follow, each system addresses the key elements of finding a firing solution:
- Ballistic calculations
- Range finding
- Inclinometer
- Atmospheric data
- Wind
- Shot azimuth (for Coriolis effect)
Old-school method
Everyone should learn the old school way. No batteries, no phones, no Internet, just your rifle scope, dope book, some paper drop charts, and a MilDot Master.
- Ballistic calculations: Use a web-based ballistic calculator at home to print a variety of drop charts for the different weather/elevation combinations that you might shoot in. Assume a 10 mph crosswind. The more atmospheric variations you print, the better your estimates in the field will be.
- Range finding and inclinometer: Mil the target in the reticle and lookup the range on a Mildot Master. Or use a map. Use a string and weight attached to the Mildot Master to obtain the cosine value for the shot’s inclination. Or install an angle cosine indicator on your rifle. Apply the cosine value to the elevation adjustment from the drop chart.
- Atmospheric data: Select your pre-printed drop chart that most closely matches your weather and elevation.
- Wind: Use mirage, dust, moving vegetation, and other golfing tricks to determine wind direction and speed. Use cosine values from Mildot Master to calculate effective speed of crosswind component using angle of wind relative to shot. Prorate the 10 mph crosswind windage values appropriately.
- Shot azimuth: For most scenarios, you can ignore Coriolis effects. If insist on adjusting for Coriolis, use 1 click at 1000 yards, 2 clicks at 1500 yards: adjust left if shooting north or south, adjust down if shooting east, adjust up if shooting west.
BallisticsARC smartphone app
This is a complete solution suitable for long range, even extreme long range, with precise calculations for elevation and windage. If you are deer hunting, you may not have time for all of the steps involved in this toolkit.
- Ballistic calculations: Use the JBM-powered BallisticsARC iOS or Android phone app
- Range finding: Use the BallisticsARC map feature to range the target. Alternatively, you can use a bare bones laser rangefinder and use the line of sight (LOS) range measurement; mil the target in your reticle with a Mildot Master, or any other method of estimating the LOS range.
- Atmospheric data: Allow the app to load weather data from a nearby weather station, or use a weather meter.
- Wind: Use old school methods to estimate wind and enter into app; or purchase an inexpensive WeatherFlow wind meter.
- Inclinometer and Coriolis effect: Place phone flat on the elevation turret, pointing toward the target, and let the app collect the data from the phone’s sensors. Using the phone sensor data, the JBM ballistic solver in BallisticsARC will calculate for inclination and Coriolis effect.
Basic laser rangefinder plus BDC turret/reticle (hunting)
Not as precise as some of the other toolkits, but simple and very fast, optimized for medium-range hunters with BDC turrets and/or reticles. The rangefinder will display equivalent horizontal distance that you can dial into your BDC elevation turret or hold in your BDC reticle. This application of the “Rifleman’s Rule” is close enough for medium range hunting, but you should consider another method beyond 500 yards for inclined shots. This method makes no adjustment for spin drift, so add one click left for every 250 yards.
- Ballistic calculations and atmospheric data: The ballistic trajectory is built into the BDC turret or BDC reticle. For an even more precise ballistic trajectory, using methods similar to the old school way discussed earlier, you can prepare a set of turret labels in advance, and use the turret label most closely matching the elevation/weather of your hunt. A properly prepared turret label will yield a more precise firing solution that using a hold in a BDC reticle. Several scope brands enable you to order custom BDC turrets specific to your ammunition and environmental data.
- Range finding and inclinometer: Built-in (most shooting-oriented laser rangefinders have an inclinometer). Note the equivalent horizontal range (EHR) displayed in the laser rangefinder. The EHR is the range to dial into the BDC turret or hold in the BDC reticle.
- Wind: Since we’re talking about minute of deer at medium range, just favor one side of the vital zone to account for the wind. Or use the old-school methods.
- Shot azimuth: At the ranges this toolkit is designed for, you can ignore Coriolis effects. Or use the old-school methods.
Laser rangefinder with ballistic profiles (hunting)
Not as precise as some of the other toolkits, but simple and very fast, optimized for medium-range hunters. The rangefinder will display the MOA or MRAD you should dial into your elevation turret for the ranged shot.
- Ballistic calculations and atmospheric data: The rangefinder will have a set of pre-programmed ballistic curves. Before you go out, use the menus in the rangefinder to select the one that most closely matches your ammuntion, typically by matching the bullet drop at the maximum listed range. When selecting a ballistic curve, pick the one that matches the performance of your ammunition for the elevation and weather you expect to be hunting in. Use your dope book, another ballistic calculator (e.g., the free web-based ones), or even the drops printed on the box of ammunition to compare to the trajectory choices.
- Range finding and inclinometer: Built-in functions of the laser rangefinder.
- Wind: Use the old-school method (wind is typically not a major factor at hunting distances).
- Shot azimuth: You can ignore Coriolis effects at hunting distances.
Kestrel 5700 plus any method for determining range
In competition settings, it is common to see competitors using a Kestrel meter with an on-board ballistic solver.
- Ballistic calculations: Kestrel offers meters with different ballistic solvers (see section on ballistic solvers earlier in this article).
- Range finding and inclinometer: Any laser rangefinder or other method for determining range will work, although in a competition setting, target ranges are typically provided to competitors.
- Atmospheric data and wind: The Kestrel will determine density altitude (using station pressure, temperature, and humidity sensors) and measure wind speed/direction.
- Shot azimuth: Kestrel meters have a built-in compass to capture shot azimuth to calculate Coriolis effects.
SIG Kilo 2400 ABS laser rangefinder
The SIG Kilo 2400 ABS laser rangefinder with the separate wind meter included in the box has all of the required ballistic tools in one small package.
- Ballistic calculations: The Sig Kilo ABS uses the Applied Ballistics Elite solver.
- Range finding and inclinometer: Basic functions of the laser rangefinder.
- Atmospheric data: The laser rangefinder calculates density altitude using the built-in sensors for station pressure, temperature and humidity.
- Wind: Use the WeatherFlow WINDmeter that Sig Sauer includes in the box with the Kilo ABS.
- Shot azimuth: The laser rangefinder has a built-in compass sensor, and will automatically calculate the Coriolis effect.